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in the past

Just Hitman 2 doing what Hitman 2 does best, delivering quality levels and assassinations.

Another good map from the season pass

After the brilliance of New York, this was definitely a bit of a let down. Overall though still a really solidly designed level with fun assassinations and a variety of areas to explore

Hitman 2 - Season Pass


PC - Steam

Beaten October 14th

Nearing the end of the year, I return to one of the first games from this year (that actually released in 2018) to go through all of the DLC content now that it is released. I'm usually not one for going through DLC piecemeal, it usually feels like a waste of time/money to do things one at a time rather than in a nice chunk. For Hitman 2, I purchased the season pass shortly after beating the main game on a decent sale, and I've now come back to finish it all as IO Interactive announces they're finished with the major updates.

The DLC is composed of two proper maps and some sniper challenges (I did not bother with the latter), a bank heist mission and a tropical island adventure! An adventure about murder. Oddly enough this second mission has a few interesting angles I will get to shortly.. I also did two Elusive Targets that popped up while going through these levels, and those are neat. It took me forever to find the first target, and then ended up electrocuting myself before taking her out, locking me from the misssion... oops. The second went better, dropped an explosive ducky next to her and booked it out of there!

The bank level is a bit small, definitely larger than Hawke's Bay but not really full-level sized I thought. It looks excellent and there's plenty of challenge in figuring out how to get from area to area within and I liked the mission stories as well. There is a great 'kill' to push the main target out of a window that is prominent in the main floor (but the game really should have put more attention on beforehand, I did not notice it at all until my second run!) that deeply amused me. Also the secondary objective is to collect three data pads from three targets, which is interesting and all, but makes the actual vault section unnecessary and its like... why WOULDN'T you want your players to get into a cool bank vault?!

The second level is a beautiful multi-island beach resort, that certainly looks great. It actually looked a little too good as I got some chug from my laptop in trying to run it which was odd. There are three targets, and the twist here is that they don't actually seem like terrible people... they run a business that helps people shed all of their previous internet/tabloid history and assume new identities, but we never see them help heinous people like dictators, axe murderers, etc. however they ARE guarding info on the Secret Society we're chasing so we have to take them down. Seems a tad extreme but story isn't what we're here for okay?! There is also a cool mechanic where after 2 are down, a tropical storm rolls into the level and changes a bit of the dynamic. Mostly its just a lighting change as far as I can tell, and the rolling thunder makes noise a bit less noticeable to guards. Sadly no rain or lightning! This one was a great level to go through and had lots of inventive ways to take out the targets, and the stories seemed interesting as well. I'm a tad bit invested to see where the story is going for the sequel??

For the money, I'm not 110% sure these two maps were worth it, but it was still an interesting clockwork sandbox experience that I deeply enjoy about the rebooted Hitman franchise. The unlockables and twisting turns you're able to take with each level is fun, and the game's sense of humor and visual gags remains on point. Bring on Hitman 3!

played through World of Assassination

no slouch of a map either, tho i should mention how scummy it was to not add these maps to base world of assassination, like every other map was it's just bad practice that i had to pay for these. i mean, yes, it was worth 7 dollars and id probably have no qualms paying the 10 dollars that it normally costs, but it just seems really shitty that only 2 maps are relegated to dlc.

anyway, good map. also had a blast planning my routes here and taking people out. patience is the name of the game here, i love that slow burn approach to these levels, i can get lost for like an hour+ and i always know ill be in for a good time with each. getting the old dude and stealing the usb stick and then using that to shove the girl into the ocean, and then taking care of the gymbro too. all fun stuff.

im really not ready for my time with these games to end in just 1 more game's worth of content, ive gotten so completely adidcted to WoA over the past week. it's gonna be sad when i complete it. ofc there's always replays, but that's not the same as your first run of a map. idk how im considering doing replays lol since i almost never do that.

i hope the h3 maps finish off with a bang!