Reviews from

in the past

An ok mecha action rpg with mediocre combat, easy difficulty, unbalanced postgame, and zero online multiplayer included in this third revision.

i remember i had fun with it so ye

Un jeu que j'ai beaucoup aimé, qui est attaché a de nombreux souvenirs de moi jouant sous ma couette, j'aurais adoré avoir la suite en Français

Literally my best RPG experience on the 3DS. The game is very well designed, the quests are nice, and the robot customization is just chef's kiss.
My biggest problem with this game is the actuall storyline, which takes itself too seriously.

I Just know that I had fun with it until I couldnt beat a boss or something. Gameplay was fun I guess

A level 5 IP that I really liked! playing LBX was cool I'm a fan of JRPG but the way it was creative with minii robot fights instead of physical fights between humans, but the same LBX can be used for evil like even killing a person, and the final battle is very memorable.

This is slightly above average. It has pretty standard combat. Very button mashy, very simplistic. And kinda repetitive. But I can't say I hated it I guess. It should've been turn based or something though. I did think the story was decent. It was a fun time with fun characters and events. But it did suffer with some padding issues. Honestly, playing this makes me want to watch the anime over playing more games in the series. So I will do just that eventually.