Reviews from

in the past

In this game, Locoroco becomes Dark Souls.

Unfairly difficult and really stupid, sometimes there are games where difficulty bumps are unwarranted, and this is definitely one of them. The boing mechanic is so clunky and hard to time that at some point, it feels lifeless.

Yes the art is there. Yes it looks like Locoroco. But the simplicity and happiness of the first two games just aren't here. A shame that this ended up being the final entry of the series.

This was the best one definetly, had hours played on the demo only.

This game is hard as s*it. luckly on ps plus you can completely break it by abusing of the rewind function.
without it the last levels would be a nightmare

Locoroco the PEAKnight Carnival
Holy hell though this game is about as hard as trying not to laugh at an Adam Sandler movie in front of your filmbro friends.