Reviews from

in the past

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 1: Atari Vol 1

Honestly its competent enough to be called a racing game but theres really nothing much here to warrant playing, the Atari 7800 continues to have games that look ugly as hell and theres just nothing here to make this game stand out in any way shape or form, theres no music, the AI is barely there and the track design and layouts are nothing to write home about due to the semi-randomised nature.

Big old pile of nothing here.

It's actually a pretty racer, but suffers from very dull visuals and for some reason you can only engine brake.

Pole position on a motorcycle with some perks. Good for the time.

You might think this is like a proto-Road Rash based on the title but nope, it's just another mediocre motorcycle racing game, and a very choppy one at that