Reviews from

in the past

that fat ass cat still haunts me

perfect games don't exi—

This game should be taught about in schools everywhere.

Me and my sister got competitive over who could get more cats, it was a really nice summer. I won btw, got all of them first. I still think about how sweet and wholesome it felt to take pictures of the widdle kitty cats sometimes.. 🥺🥺

i started playing this silly little game back in 2016, i had an army of silly little kittens, they were all named after anime characters (geez) and at some point everything on my phone got deleted ,,.... i was too #broken to start it all over again :[
but i installed it again some years later and i still play it occasionally :> it's cool that they added a save file, now i don't have to worry about losing all the kitties again B)

This is what phones where made for

Based kitty collecting game x3 /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\

2015 bullied at school core

(^• ω •^) Meowdy meowsters! If you're looking for a game to collect kitties without the hassle of dealing with the cat girls in FFXIV's horny jail or Kirby's perpetual napping, Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector might catch your fancy. It embraces its quirkiness with expressive cat animations and a lighthearted approach to virtual cat collection. However, be warned, the game takes a unique turn by hilariously telling you to "F U C K O F F" after making a purchase. Bonus points for being the first self-aware piece of shovelware that actively encourages you not to play. A bizarre twist that adds an unexpected layer to the typical mobile gaming experience. Score: 7/10.

Ya no hacen juegos como estos. Because of woke.

when i was 14 i played this nonstop so a girl would like me

peaches you are a son of the bitch for being so difficult to wrangle but i love u despite that.
just like real life
maximum joy

we shoulda stopped making video games after this one

I'm pretty popular with the cats though. What? Do I play jazz music or something? No no, I'm referring to regular cats, like the animal? Meow? Y'know? Hey, where are you going?

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