Reviews from

in the past

Have fond memories of creating paths and sucking at the competitions

the dogs are so cute until they shit on the floor

Les marches pour du loot drop et les compétitions de frisbee sont mes highlights.

Es... aburrido. En la DS te vendían cualquier cosa por la novedad.

no virtual pet game will ever top the feeling of petting your dog with the ds stylus

chicos, no os preocupeis, siguen vivos :)

I was EXCITED for this as a kid and I don't even know why - I was deathly afraid of dogs. Some of the cutest graphics ever IMO

i had a gameshark and i put a code to make my puppy fuckin huge so it would clip outside of the entire room LMAOOO

I couldn't have a dog, so I was given Nintendogs! Cute, wonderful little game to relax and unwind with, and I still play with my puppies on a rainy day.

The microphone can be tricky when you want to teach them tricks, though. Sometimes, I just use voice recordings to keep it consistent!

Knew I'd forgot something. Whoops.

It was basically an updated tamagotchi but it sold like hotcakes when it came out. If a girl had a DS circa 2006 there was an 80% chance she was playing this game. It had no right to be as charming as it was. Eventually you realize there's only 10 minutes worth of gameplay every day and you lose interest.

boring to play as an adult but i had a lot of fun with it as a kid. my brother even gave me a crown which was very cool.

I'm pretty sure this is the version me and my sister had as kids. (I'd borrow it off my sister and in return she'd borrow my World of Warcraft account I shared with my Dad.)

A product of its time and in an age where smartphones were far from mainstream, the simple simulation / gameplay loop felt revolutionary.

I remember walking the dog around the city at night the most.

i basically played through everything this game has to offer, got every item, every dog at least once and all houses (except the space station--). looking back on it, i think this game is responsible for my completionist behaviour nowadays

Played a lot of this back in the day and used to think it was so fun.

I bet if I played it now, I'd find it to be a dated mess.

Still Playing
absolute gold ✨ i played this growing up when i wished that i could have a real dog, and now that im grown, have raised real dogs, and now realize that im 1000% a cat person, i still love this game 💕 i do have championship dogs, but i won’t rank this as complete until i have found the rare ✨jack russell book✨ my dogs — caramel the female corgi & dolly the female schnauzer

Such a nostalgic game. I remember playing this game for hours every day when I was younger. I even got every other version of the game, but this was still my favorite. Nothing much more too say about it, I guess I just got bored when I was younger after unlocking everything. Still a 5/5 star and hopefully my dogs having fucking perished.