Reviews from

in the past

Fucking hate luigi man stupid fucking bullshit

What this means for gaming can't be summed up in one page. The artistry behind every fascit of this game is so remarkable that I don't possess the words to describe what it means. What it says about the Vietnam War and the effect it had on the young men forced into it is so astonishing, so revolutionary, that it nearly changed history.

i made this game also but i dunno if that needs mention

My wife left me and took the kids. played this game and now i AM my own wife adn kids. the game cured my derpession...

fuck you liza whyd u have to take big floppa you absolute BITCH

A good way to spend an evening. The difficulty can definitely be a bit much and some of the mechanics weren't always clear but that's about it in terms of any negatives. The bonus modes are nice.

I also need to nap after I walk a few steps.