Reviews from

in the past

I played this game through 20 times to unlock everything. Each time takes like 20 minutes. Each time is very boring. Why did I buy this? The concept is interesting.

You control a spirit and you have to touch items to get the girl's attention, making her interact with said item. It raises her stats and by guiding her with certain stats, you get a different ending. And a few of them are chuckle worthy.

I've played games with this exact formula before and I thought this would be another little gem of a game. It's not. Also it's filled with fanservice so if you like that, you like that.

There is however something that compelled me to finish the game fully. I'm not sure why. But I did it and if I put that much effort into it, there has to be something redeemable right? Right?!

The only enjoyment I got out of this game is having the girl borderline masturbate with her messager. Everything else is a bore...