Reviews from

in the past

Very weird Spider Man game. Peter Parker doesn't stop yelling TATAKAE all the time and idk why Green Goblin is 20m tall but Insomniac cooked with this one.

Fun little game. Never read the manga before, but this defo made me wanna pick it up now. I got it for ¥100 years ago so I'm glad I finally went ahead and cleared it from the backlog. Kinda wanna try the sequel eventually too

Review rapide mais obligé de parler du jeu au vue des reviews catastrophiques..

Alors pour le 100%, oui c'est répétitif et pas fun, mais sinon :

Le jeu est une BONNE adaptation vidéo ludique de l'oeuvre originale !

Le gameplay est agréable et bien adapté !
Quelques ajouts originaux pour renforcer le gameplay bien qu'ils sortent du lore du jeu.

Bref les reviews sur ce jeu sont très dures !
Evidemment, il ne faut clairement pas découvrir l'oeuvre avec ce jeu, il faut clairement foncer voir l'animé.

Mais pour un fan ou même simplement quelqu'un ayant apprécié la série, foncez, le jeu est super !


Runs terrible on the Vita
Also a buggy mess, Titans clip through buildings often and fall through the map, makes you wonder how it even passed QA
Even then, when it works, it is a fun game. The ODM gear is fast and easy to get the hang of, but very simple, it gets you from point A to B but you can't do anything flashy with it.
Combat is ok, it feels amazing when you chop off a Titan's limbs at great speed but that rarely happens, you either hit a wall or fall to the ground because the lock on system doesn't work all that well, ruining your momentum.
The game follows the same story as the anime, mostly from Eren's POV, the cutscenes are basically the scenes from the anime recreated in 3D, I have to give them credit for this because usually games like this just take screenshots from the show and describe the scene. I skipped most of the cutscenes because if you watched the anime there is nothing new here.
The graphics are...ok, nothing too special, they've been downgraded for the Vita but it still looks half decent. Even then, it has some framerate issues, especially in battles with multiple enemies.
You can get new gear, upgrade them and combine multie items to make them stronger but I rarely felt the need to do so because getting the most expensive one from the store and forgetting about it works just as well.
Overall it's just ok, get it on sale if you want, it's a decent time killer if you are a fan of the series but the amount of jank makes it hard to recommend at full price.
When it works, it's fun. The problem is that it doesn't work 90% of the time.

es muy repetitivo pero lo jugue por coping porque sabia que nunca iban a hacer un juego tan bueno como el de navegador que hizo un loco de japon

Gostei bastante,é um jogo bem diferente assim como o anime,tem bastante conteudo apesar de dps do modo historia acabar ficando repetitivo

Had lots of fun playing this one.

played on switch. remember being super obsessed, but it's not something I'm gonna play again I think

My suggestion is to just watch the far superior anime - it's my favorite anime of all time and surpasses the game in each and every way. And if you are already a fan of AoT, you may find some amusement from it for a little while, but it'll be short-lived.

The game is insanely repetitive. Rinse and repeat structure, with the same gameplay/mission objectives ad nauseum... it very much feels like a portable/mobile "pick-up and play" style of game.

Also, I couldn't help but be incredibly disappointed that the game didn't use the anime's legendary OST... that could have raised the game's score by 1 star alone. It is one of the all-time best in any medium, so anything else just feels generic and doesn't fit to me.

I don't have a single clue why I grinded the platinum for this game but hey atleast it was fun killing titans while listening to AOT soundtracks

Fun game but its too easy, if you really want a more fleshed out aot experience go play Raot on pc. After trying that games mechanics it is impossible to look at this game the same.

a fantastic adaptation of the series on a gameplay stand point, while lacking on content, it really gets strung together by how good the combat and movement really is


But it's sequel exist which is better and has far more content, so there's no real reason to play this one outside of curiosity on how right they got the gameplay at their first attempt

My friend insisted that I played this as well.

And that's my review!

Doesn't have much too offer but I found the gameplay to be really satisfying and for me hooked for at least 50 hours. I would recommend checking out a demo or gameplay because the combat and movement is the only thing this game has.

A good game if you´re a fan of Attack on Titan.

I know what I'm going to say now seems completely wrong but the game is really fun, I played it a lot at the time it was released, it's definitely one of the best anime games I've ever played

hikayeyi iyi yansıtmş ama biraz zor

O pior é que esse jogo é bom

I hate the final bossfight and every person that designed it.

A completely ok game that just gets a little to repetitive for it's own good.

In this game you play through the first two seasons of the anime if I'm not mistaken. Satisfying feeling of flying through the world and killing Titans, but has nothing more to offer really. I don't believe it is worth the asking price.

Antes de sacar el patino, le habría puesto 4/5.
Después de sacar el platino, lo considero 1/5 o 2/5.

legal pra caralho ficar voando e matando gigante igual barata