Reviews from

in the past

Running and fighting in high heels, badass

The worst of the dlc because of the technical issues alone.The park is the clunkiest map in the series expecially the ferris wheel.Some enemy just won't move.Sometimes the remote hacking device and the grappling hook won't connect, i had to restart the second bomb at the checkpoint because of it.The park backstory is the darkest thing in the arkham franchise and was fun to piece together.The dialogue and voice acting is great as always and the desolate amusement park is gorgeous. After the last cutscene the game immediately crashed sum up pretty well my experience.

Este es DLC de Arkham, de mayor amplitud, ya que el parque de atracciones en un mini escenario con coleccionables y una historia oculta detrás de la construcción del parque. Como fan de Batman, notamos que es una clara referencia al suceso de Killing Joke, ya que el parque es el mismo, lo único que me parece cuestionable es que no haya sucedido nada, Batgirl aquí aún no es Oráculo (cosa que sucede desde el Arkham Asylum), así que en algún punto anterior (¿o intermedio?) a Arkham Origins ella debe convertirse en Oráculo, este DLC desordena un poco la historia del juego desde mi perspectiva, ya que no aporta un avance en trama y genera dudas, sin embargo, dejando de lado la historia Bargirl-Oráculo, es un buen DLC. La química Batgirl-Robin es buena.

é legal mas o jogo fica crashando por algum motivo se nao pular as cutscenes

Playing as Batgirl has its charms, but this effectively serves as a more fleshed out version of what the Arkham City's Harley DLC was going for. Doesn't add to much to the overall experience, but it's a nice addition for those needing a little bit more Arkham.

This was more fleshed out than the other DLCs. It didn't add much to the story but it was fun. For some reason, this DLC made my game crash 4-5 times, specifically with a sniper that would freeze my game if I silently took them out.

Very fun and decent little story.

Plusy: możliwość grą Batgirl, a także Robinem, fajna miejscówka, Joker i Harley Quinn
Minusy: wysoka cena, krótka rozgrywka