Reviews from

in the past

💜 This game was gifted to Catizens Curations for review.

Absolutely amazing little game where you play as an orange talking Cat who has to go on a quest to find ingredients for pancakes, that the Cat will make with their friend the Squirrel! There is twists and turns in the story and it's a lovely little thing, around an hour long (for me atleast). Achievements are related to finding all the secret cat portraits in the game, so it was rather simple to 100%.

The game has a lovely pixel artstyle with a matching color palette through-out the game. The animations for everything is so simple, but oh so lovely to look at! There is even a ledge climbing animation, which had me squealing because it was so cute. You can also use butter to make the Cat slick so you can go through smaller holes. It's so adorable and silly in all the right ways.

You get to fly in an onion to space, which goes out to a different space entirely, but it's a much bigger space, but to get out of that space you go up and then under the space, to find a talking acorn who sucks you inside it's head space, and then you find yourself back in your own space, and eventually you fly to actual space. Try to wrap your head around that! or don't, and just play the game.

The soundtrack was so lovely and relaxing as well, I loved to listen to it and just jump around as the cat. Definitely going to find that on my music streaming service and add to my playlist of soundtracks I love. Perfection!

It's definitely a recommended from me, it's super cheap, super fun and extremely cute! Get it now!

Un joc curtet molt entretingut, especialment per als amants dels gats. Amb menys d'una horeta està completat amb tots els logros, però és baratet.

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It's a really short (it took me around 40 minutes to finish it) and wholesome game with nice bg music. Although I'd have liked to know more about the Flour Tree.

PS: You never go wrong with cats and pancakes! 🥞🐈

Cute, short, refreshing, chill. A game with a cute story, retro aesthetic, pancakes and cats! What else do you need to play?

It's cute, but very very basic, and there is really nothing much to the gameplay of it at all. Completed in 30 minutes and reminded me of a student project that my daughter might have made during a semester at her game development college. I'm glad folks can get anything they make on Steam and I'm happy to contribute a couple of bucks here and there to developers of stuff like this.