Reviews from

in the past

Abandoned around a third of the way through the game. It's a nice little game, graphics are unique and absorbing, the story is weird and engaging. Unfortunately, I just don't really like the bizarre and surreal in this manner. There's nothing particularly wrong with the game, it's just not my cup of tea.

Short little puzzle point and click with a crazy art direction and cute cats :3

Would recommend everyone gives it a chance. It's quite short but sweet, and very surreal with the imagery that is conjured up by the wonderful artists.

I love short point-and-click games, but they are hit-and-miss. For these games that are less than two hours, it takes a lot of talent to pull off a good story, something to get attached to, and fun gameplay. Cat Museum nails almost all of this except the story and something to get attached to. The mini-game and puzzle-driven gameplay are more entertaining than pixel hunting, but there's also the fantastic art direction and grotesque nature of the whole game.

See, the story just doesn't make any sense. It's told in abstract story panels. I only gathered that you're possibly dreaming and your dream of a cat museum full of monsters and creatures that need help. You're searching for special eggs and that's all I could gather. It doesn't make a lick of sense. The game isn't confusing or anything like that which is nice. Clicking around moves the boy and you will see eye icons for things to look at and hand icons for interaction. These hand icons advance the game and each interaction is unique and different. Jigsaw puzzles, slider puzzles, timing mini-games, and just weird things like pushing and pulling things to reveal hints. It's hard to get stuck in this game as there's always one object in each room to interact with which will reveal a hint or the puzzle/mini-game will advance the story.

The best part about this game is the insane art style. Lots of grotesque characters, guts, bodily fluids, and crazy monster designs right out of a child's nightmare. However, it's still colorful and full of life. I really liked the atmosphere and world of Cat Museum, but at a 90-minute runtime, the game doesn't allow any type of world-building or anything of that nature. Dialogue is cut down to a couple of lines per character and none of it is meaningful. There are a couple of scenes where you need to run and hide from a monster chasing you, but it's just to the end of the same room so there's no challenge there either.

There's not much to say for a 90-minute game. For a few dollars this is an interesting art exhibit, but not much more. I appreciate the unique puzzles and mini-games, but the monster designs are so cool that I wanted to spend more time in this world and learn more about it. What's here is a short and crazy ride full of weird art and nothing more.

Cat Museum is a surreal 2D side-scrolling puzzle-adventure where you enter a bizarre and curious world and start a fantastical adventure in a museum filled with cats and other strange creatures. You search for strange clues that help you reveal the truth of the protagonist's childhood and enjoy the journey by interacting with your mischievous cat companion, enjoying its playful company while you move forward.

The story itself can seem cute and colorful at first glance, but it unravels to be quite macabre and disturbing. The protagonist clearly is dealing with trauma related to certain happenings in his childhood and the place and visuals are results of that trauma in the boy's mind.

Puzzle design was quite easy and simple, fast to figure out and not too troubling when wanting something easy to play. There are some chase scenes that bring a little bit of horror to the mix, but otherwise its a quite calm game. The cats were cute and adorable, sometimes a little disturbing, but still well drawn and designed.

The end and some other aspects of the story made me tear up a little bit, so it's definitely emotional. It's a game that I would definitely recommend to others, just be aware that some imagery can be quite disturbing and it's not for everyone.