Reviews from

in the past

So there's two elephants in the room with this game: the achievement spam, and the broken English. This review will be entirely ignoring both of those as neither honestly affect the meat of the game to me.

That said... this game is baffling.

Consummate:Missing World is an adventure game that follows the aforementioned Consummate after she's lost all her memories, alongside a guy named Hentai—no I'm not kidding—who wishes to take care of her, in an unfathomably large, seemingly inescapable building. It's a premise I found myself honestly interested in, especially as more parts of the building are revealed and the premise is developed, which is definitely in part because it's bonkers. That's not a dealbreaker for me at all, I like games that bewilder me, but it does jump well into the deep end at the last chapter and breaks my suspension of disbelief.

Though, my issue with the game is less with the story and more with the gameplay. It's true that I largely enjoyed this game, front to back, however that's only really because I had a guide right in front of me; I confess I only really wanted the achievements. Without the guide, there's plenty that strikes me as impossible to figure out without brute force. That can be chalked up to a skill issue on my end, sure, but the game doesn't pull any punches; there's game overs left and rights, plenty of bad endings to fall into, all without any indication of what could've gone wrong. Part of that frustration is that many of these endings technically break the story, but I suppose that's to avoid any early spoilers, so I digress.

My favorite part of the game, though, is actually neither of these: it's the Gallery, which is half-revealed in Ch. 6 and fully revealed after finishing the game. (unmarked postgame spoilers past here but this doesn't concern the story) It shows a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff, concept art primarily, but also including some extra fun facts about the game and its development; it lays itself bare, almost, and it very clearly shows that quite a bit of time and effort went into this title from all involved. But it's not without its uncomfortable moments... like Consummate joking about a developer's fetish and the developer's self-insert straight up advertising that he's single like why would you do that?? Why??? (spoilers over)

All in all, it can be said that I enjoyed this game, but it's hard for me to recommend with the unclear and obscure story progression requirements and the plentiful pitfalls with it. Yet that's not to say there's nothing here; it's definitely well-put together and it's absolutely worth it at full price. If you need to throw a dollar at something and I'm not convincing you otherwise, there's no harm in giving it a whirl. (Or, of course, if you just want the achievements.)