Reviews from

in the past

An overall more fair and shorter adventure than its predecessor. I felt the dialogue was a bit more humourous in this one. Tackling tough stages and having a joke written about it by Dadish's kids was a treat as always, and it's a nice treat for those wanting more from #DadOfTheYear!

same as the first one, but with slightly better level design and more variety in enemies and blss fights

great humour and fun soundtrack, but the platforming still leave a bit more to be desired

Dadish 2 is a more ambitious game compared to the first game in terms of offering a bit details in the graphics and new gameplay features such as being able to ride a companion and gravity physics levels, etc. The overall challenge/difficulty of the game goes up a notch compared to the first game.

Overall, this is an enjoyable and fairly short indie platformer worth checking out if you are a fan of the genre and due to its low price point.

Dadish adds a little personality to its platforming, and there's just a bit more of it in this sequel. There's also more in the way of visible influences. In addition to Super Mario World, there are hints of both Donkey Kong Country and Rayman Origins. There's a bit more difficulty and variety than in the first game, as well, with some of the autoscrolling levels requiring more than a couple restarts. Where the boss fights are concerned, there was also some incremental improvements and variety.

I think the first one was better, but this one is not too bad either.

essentially, more of the same dadish with a little more enemy and level variety!

Loved Dadish
Fucking hate Dadish 2

Wow! I completed this game super quickly! It was definitely easier than Dadish 1, but there were so many fun improvements in the mix too.

Climbing with your leaves was a great mechanic, the addition of boulders, anti gravity in the last world, tons of new enemy types which was really exciting. The music improved, the bosses improved significantly, and I really liked the inclusion of the possum ball in the World 4 boss fight, and we got an addition world compared to Dadish 1! Also, this game is completely free! However, it flies by due to how easy this game is.

I was initially excited when I saw Burgurgular teaming up, being a previous boss in Dadish 1, but I found the lack of double jump quite unexciting, and he didn't have any special abilities at all which I didn't expect... It was an interesting challenge I suppose, but it felt like a wasted opportunity. I felt like the dialogue with your radish children was good, but it wasn't as sharp and hilarious as Dadish 1. The easiness of this game compared to Dadish 1 World 4 also takes away some points. Fowlst Mode is a really interesting addition, but there are points in many levels where you get stuck in the top right corner of the screen, and there's any incentive to do it, as the game isn't tracking whether you've completed a level in Fowlst Mode or not.

Overall, a really good game due to its additions and improvements, but there's also a lot of missed opportunities.

More of the same from dadish but with a couple of new mechanics that feel like a natural progression from the first game. More of the same i feel in this scenario is good because of how short these games are.

Pretty much the same as the first one. Just new levels and you get to ride a burger.

Dadish 2 is a continuation of the original precision platformer. The game consists of 50 levels, as you play as the titular Dadish trying to rescue one of his kids per level. The levels are challenging and easy to jump into. Some jumps are shamefully frame-perfect sometimes and some hit boxes are hard to tell what distance you should be jumping for. At the end of every level, a quippy sarcastic bit is played out, which is always a joy and offsets the difficulty with a touch of humor. You can beat the game in under 3-4 hours, but with a hidden collectible star in every level, there's enough to get a solid platforming fix out of Dadish 2.

More of a slog than the first game with all the same problems. Hoping 3 is a little better.

more dadish. has all the same simple beauty of the first with some new cool enemy types and also 79p on the eshop. this game was bought to give my neglected switch some daylight again. 8/10.

Exactamente lo mismo que el primero pero con alguna mecánica nueva y mas dialogos mamarrachos e irónicos. Muy chulo.