Reviews from

in the past

What can I say... I hate Fifa. Or better I hate that I can't stop playing this franchise, already started with 22... meh.

Fa ridere aver messo fifa 21 nei finiti recenti e non ricordare nemmeno di averci giocato, nonostante ci abbia passato un mesetto abbondante sopra. È fifa, non gioco fut, al momento non seguo manco il calcio, mi si stava riaccendendo una scintilla morta per lo sport in questione e ci ho giocato un pò, tutto qui. La solita roba di tutti gli anni immagino.

I'm a career mode andy. I'm aware that it hasn't improved in YEARS and that it should be in a much better, more in-depth place but there's nothing like it that competes unfourtunately.

Decepcionante trabajo de EA en este juego. La menor cantidad de novedades añadida hasta la fecha en un FIFA y la peor jugabilidad en años. Siempre este juego empieza con buen pie en cuanto a la jugabilidad, pero a los dos parches de la salida (unas semanas después) esta vuelve a ser la misma de siempre (muy simple en el online, basándose en correr y aprovecharse de exploits). El hándicap continúa presente en el juego y eso hace muy injustos los partidos; y además han empeorado la interfaz con respecto a juegos anteriores. A todo esto se le suma el pay to win del online, siendo muchísimo más fácil progresar pagando por sobres de jugadores. Ya puede dar un cambio la franquicia porque actualmente este juego no merece la pena. A pesar de todo ello, posee muchos modos de juego y es entretenido de jugar con amigos. 4/10

8/10 - Decent game - The one thing i enjoyed the most was Volta. It's SUPER fun, my favourite mode in the entire game. Other than that, everything is the same as previous FIFA's pretty much, Nothing too new. I love FIFA as a whole but trying to 100% this was a pain. In regards to the Ultimate Team achievement, Getting to Division 4 in rivals when you've started the game late and constantly going up against 99 rated Squads with Messi's and Ronaldo's really isn't fun. Also i got a lot of freezes and disconnects now and again that hindered my progress but it is what it is. Also poorly optimised game that doesn't allow you to tab out in online play. Overall i recommend this game, Had 100h + of content and fun :)

A good and balanced experience of playing with friends! I must say that the last FIFA I played before this one was 2015, so the upgrade was big.

O msm de sempre o problema não e nem mais com o jogo e comigo que não paro de jogar

La versión de nueva generación es uno de los FIFAs que más he disfrutado a nivel jugable, se nota un cambio más sustancial de lo normal con respecto a su antecesor, lo que no pasa con la versión de antigua generación que me parece incluso por debajo de FIFA 20 y 19.

I only played because I don’t have the FIFA22 for the Xbox game pass yet (for the subscription I have),
although I’m quite enjoying playing being one of my favorite Fifa’s, but cpu.. the cpu is horrible in such a way that in fifa19 I played badly in the professional and now in FIFA21 i play easy in legendary.

FIFA 21 is an okay entry in the series and I did enjoy my time with it. FIFA is probably the easiest game for me to turn my brain off to.

lixo, bem mediocre

n muda nada

mas tem champions e a atmosfera é legal demais

Apesar de bastante robótico, jogabilidade meio dura, acho que compensa bastante na diversão em sí, diferente do 22, que não diverte nada.

eu acho um pouquinho melhor que o 20.
joguei BASTANTE também

Even though I played this game way more than 20 I kinda have the same feelings for the soundtrack, nothing really worth remembering although there's a few more good songs than Fifa 20 so it's slightly better.
Because I heard Heat Waves in this song wayyy before it became a billboard hit I actually like the song while everyone else thinks it's annoying and bad.

Can't tell the difference between them so I'll just give them all the same score.

Essa nota vai pra todos os fifas no geral. É um jogo ruim, mas é um jogo sobre algo que eu amo, que é futebol, e tem espaço pra construir boas histórias através do modo carreira

o bayern de munique aqui era uma máquina de matar

I own connor with red bull