Reviews from

in the past

someone should give Robert Yang $10,000,000 to make a game

british lads hit each other with chairs

British Lads Hit Each Other WIth Chair

Not much there, but what is there is golden.

I hit my friend with a chair and he floated away.

The story behind this masterpiece of a game is absolutely stirring, you can experience every single human emotion in only 5 minutes of gameplay. The story telling and gameplay are flawless, it drags you into the game and it feels like you’re part of this thrilling adventure with the two British lads whose backs are specifically trained to carry the weight of the entire lgbt community. 10/10

If someone did that to me, I'd marry them on the spot.

Robert Yang always makes interesting games that contain humor and criticism, and Hard Lads is no exception. This is an art game about masculinity. Also about media. And queering both. The best part of this particular game from Yang is how he embraced a lot of what would otherwise be glitches and imperfections. It’s a perfect fit for the messy failure and posturing of the Lads in the viral video on which the game is based. And the finale, set to a choral version of “Truly Madly Deeply” is an excellent capstone.