Reviews from

in the past

Strip the edgy shit and all you got is a extremely repetitive generic twin stick shooter

Fun alternative to Postal, I enjoyed the destruction. Once you start fighting the military however it goes to shit, way too hard.

the lamest piece of doghsit man has ever put on this planet.

After all the controversy, all the talk it had, I wish it could have been backed up by a decent game. It is just annoying, boring and uninteresting gameplay loop

Just play Postal/Postal Redux instead.

Not Important is one of my favorite video game protagonists

Gráficos bonitos mas não é para mim, joguei Postal 2 quando criança, foi icônico e divertido, esse já não desceu.

You know a game is gonna be terribly optimized when even the trailer runs at a shit framerate.

It's a very simple game, incredibly frontloaded to the point it peaks during the first level and everything afterwards has the progression of a flash game. Encounters and health system are rather poorly designed and the visuals get the point across but are very samey. Gotta point out it was also one of the first commercial UE4 games so some lighting and particle effects looked pretty ahead of the curve back in 2015.

Of course it's a below average TPS and the dialogue is cringe whether ironic or not, and it was only somewhat popular due to being provocative but I'm glad a game like this is given a chance to exist and be sold on a major storefront.

It's pretty short, I got it for $3 so I am not complaining but I would not pay more than $3-5 for it.

Really tight controls, fast-paced shooting. Actually pretty fun despite its aura of negativity. Oh yeah and the entire environment (basically) is destructible which is very fun. I had a great time blowing down apartment building walls with a high caliber machine gun.

It feels like someone wanted to pay a way darker Postal. It plays like the first Postal, but the themes are way darker and there isn't any joking or wacky characters, just one greasy 4chan against the world.

Takes like 3 hours to beat the main story.

O jogo te coloca no papel de um antagonista, e seu objetivo é fazer as pessoas sofrerem, sem nenhum resquício de humanidade.
O jogo é bem feito, até lembra o primeiro Postal, um jogo sem enredo, personagens e profundidade, apenas um simulador de massacre. O jogo tem um visual acinzentado que pode até estar relacionado com a maneira que o "protagonista" ve o mundo, cinza e sem vida, mas com alguns rastros de sangue deixado pelas vítimas.
A gameplay é até que divertida considerando a duracao, existe uma boa variedade de armas e bombas e o personagem principal é bem feito, ao contrário de todos os outros, o jogo é bem dificil, mesmo a ideia principal sendo de matar tudo que se mexe, o jogador vai precisar pensar um pouco antes de entrar em um estabelecimento ou em qual caminho seguir, qualquer deslize, que deixe o personagem encurralado, vai causar uma morte EXTREMAMENTE RÁPIDA sem a possibilidade de reacao.

This game is what happens when you are inspired by Postal but don't actually have any funny or insightful commentary on society. The protagonist probably isn't wrong, but, has nothing to say, no character, and there's no point in anything that happens in the game. Just senseless graphic violence. If that was the point, the developer - who knowingly has ties to Nazi groups and has been made into a pariah - is wrong and misses the point of most media violence.

Postal clone- edgy as hell, but can be somewhat enjoyable

Edgy for the sake of being edgy, it's dumb, but somehow mindless ok fun, nothing special though

Video games don’t make kids shooters… I think shooters make video games shooters.

Franchement la D.A est pas mal. Le noir et blanc du jeu cassé par les couleurs des gyrophares, des flammes c'est vraiment une excellente idée et ça apporte une belle teinte au nihilisme du jeu. Maintenant il est biennnn trop répétitif et le vrai problème est là et non pas dans sa violence ou son principe, c'est bon. Que le premier qui n'a jamais assassiné quelqu'un de sang froid me jette la première pierre.

I really tried finishing this game but I couldn't. The game tries way too hard to be disturbing to the point I don't think I've laughed harder at a game. Also the game is hard in the worst way possible so I can't even enjoy it as an ironically good game.

People take this game too seriously. Is solid top down shooter with decent feedback.

this game seems to take itself seriously but the whole process of murdering huge amounts of innocent people, cops and soldiers almost made me drop it halfway through. I mean the enemy ai is so outrageously stupid i had soldiers killing each other in the last level because they kept shooting !!

in general the combat system is so bad it doesn't feel good unless you "fight" defenseless npcs, which is nice as you will hardly see them towards the end of the game

It also makes you appreciate the silent protagonist trope as the only good line Mr. Not Important says is "hehehehe" during the ending cutscene of the first level

i find it hard to write about it because the game feels overall awful to play, the only positive that comes to mind is if you press the kick button while sprinting you perform a flying kick which can knock an enemy to the ground to then execute them, cool stuff

well at least i can think of it as condemnation of excessive violence for entertainment i guess because jod damn it sucked hard.

actually no the game is fairly short so yeah, could be worse, just don't put difficulty above easy lest you waste more time than necessary lol

edit: apparently there is also survival mode but i didn't touch it and don't plan to either

Better w/Mouse+Keyboard or at least it seems easier. Some crashes and audio bugs which seem to be unfixable.
It's fun to kill time, story mode is alright and sidemissions are fun to do. Did not bother with other modes.
Enemies can shoot you from outside the screen but so can you.
I guess it's not that fun but not that bad.

peguei a conquista Misogynist e parei de jogar

Hard to believe this trash made headlines when it was announced. Infinitely better with the Tommy Wiseau mod. Better than the first Postal!

Guys just like other user said, you aren't supposed to take this game seriously. It's on the same level of postal you sillyz

As a misanthropist, I had fun. Fuck society. Burn it all to the ground.

I'm literally only playing this cause I got the key for it and I've been playing through all the Postal games. Don't really have high hopes

Portuguese & English review

Hatred é dos piores jogos que já joguei em quesito história, já que ele se propõe a ter uma em vez de ser só um sandbox de matar tudo oq aparece à frente.
Gameplay? Não é das piores já que até pega uma boa ação de vista isométrica e com controlos funcionais. De resto é um jogo horrível, ele não tenta passar uma mensagem igual a Postal 1 ou os dois jogos de Manhunt. Os desenvolvedores simplesmente fala mata lá essas pessoas aí e o nosso jogo vai ficar famoso por causa de YouTuberzinhos a colocarem "Jogo mais Violento de sempre".
Horrível, mas gostei do estilo de imagem meio noir, a estética ganhou-me muito, mas for isso é perda de tempo.

Hatred is one of the worst games I've ever played in terms of story, since it aims to have one instead of just being a sandbox where you kill everything that comes your way.
Gameplay? It's not the worst as it even captures good action from an isometric view with functional controls. Otherwise it's a horrible game, it doesn't try to convey a message like Postal 1 or the two Manhunt games. The developers simply say kill these people and our game will become famous because of YouTubers posting "Most Violent Game Ever".
Horrible, but I liked the noir style of image, the aesthetics really appealed to me, but otherwise it's a waste of time.