Reviews from

in the past

I kind of can't get over the fact that the humanoid fox was going to literally eat the humanoid bunny

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Nomnomnami's games have aged poorly in nostalgia after it was revealed they groomed a minor as a 24-year-old. I tend to give stories with bad creators a pass as long as the creator's beliefs aren't woven into the story. (The Romance Detective series was a self-insert between Nami and the minor). In non-problematic stories like this, I think Nomnomnami is a fine writer. Almost all of the other LWT games are better than this one.

The Lonely Wolf Treat series is a straightforward and sweet story about a wolf named Treat trying to find shelter in a Bunny village. The bunnies are extremely racist to Treat and constantly tell her to leave the village. They call Treat a wolf in a derogatory manner and are implied to commit hate crimes against Treat in Nami's short comics. There isn't enough about the bunnies outside of being one-dimensional racists who want to protect their loved ones from wolves. At least until the next game, which actually adds a lot more layers to... the racists... Huh.

I understand that LWT is the first game of a polyamorous yuri love story. Mochi eventually arrives and makes this game easier to sit through. It's just too uncomfortable at the beginning, especially if you have no context about the racist bunnies' history beforehand. The discomfort is the whole point of LWT because racism is obviously a terrible thing. It's incredibly easy to feel bad for Treat and not think twice about the racists. Is this game supposed to be a demonstration of how bad racism is?

Just play this game if you want something that covers a complicated topic but is easy to understand if you have even a mediocre moral compass.

These games are very cute and soft, nothing revolutionary or compelling but sometimes you just wanna play a cute gay game

The first game's a little basic, but over the course of the (still ongoing!) this becomes an impossibly sweet yuri story that depicts polyamory with a rare sensitivity and grace. Totally worth it.