Reviews from

in the past

My 10 minute experience: “What the hell is going on here? Never mind, this is stupid. I quit”.

i miss you.. come back please.

Square Enix you cowards. Bring back the original onion knight skin. let men wear skimpy outfits in peace.

the gameplay sucks but i would tolerate it better if i had a better outfit

I played this game quite a bit when it was still active, and enjoyed it very much. I'm sad it ended and disappeared forever, since I think it was a very good and interesting mobile spin-off.

I had my fun while it lasted

i played this when it came out my phone would burn my hand from how hot it would get running this so I just stopped it wasn't bad but also just another mobile RPG game

its a mobile game. come on guys

gotta be the least interesting protag ive ever seen, but gameplay was pretty fun and story was decent