Reviews from

in the past

This is a game about being a teenager in Finland. It is also about BEING a teenager in Finland. Your parents have gone on vacation and left you behind in the tenuous support group of your extended family who lives nearby. It is your job to learn to take care of yourself in this confusing and tedious world of increased responsibility.

There are many characters who are familiar with you: your uncle, your grandmother, Teimo the shopkeep, some of the local punks with tricked out cars.

The Game is really goddamn hard, but the feeling of building the Satsuma piece by piece gives me a feeling of satisfaction that i can't describe.
Also Teimo is the best shopkeeper character in all of gaming.

if you rage playing games then i dont recommend

While I greatly appreciate the concept of building a car from scratch and trying to make it run, everything else surrounding the game including the frequent trips to the store on the other side of the map made this game hell to play.

The most accurate simulation of Finland.

Extremely tedious and repetitive, takes several hours for it to get "fun".

Extremely well made game, but it's very stressful without any modifications.