Reviews from

in the past

Really cool mod, but a couple of things irked me enough to reconsider my decision to revisit Riders through this instead of the original release. (Which was a dumb idea to begin with considering this is a mod aimed at improving multiplayer. I'm stupid ok leave me alone,)

First, everything is unlocked from the start. I understand why this was done: to ensure everyone online is playing under the exact same conditions, but still. It would be cool if you could create a secondary save in order to play single player mode with the new additions, or a separate version of the mod for offline play, but even a fresh file will have everything added in.

Second, the soundtrack. Look, I love UNIB's character select theme too, but it's really not what I expected to hear in the main menu when booting this mod up. I realize how ironic this is, considering I really like the song selection in Robotnik's Ring Racers, but idk; Ring Racers/SRB2Kart is an original idea, I think it's fine when it yoinks songs from other games. This is a mod for an existing game, so it was just kind of jarring to hear Bayonetta music in there, considering I wanted to replay Riders through this version. (Again, I'm stupid)

I'll probably pick this up again once my priority isn't to marathon these games back to back.

(This technically isn't a replay of DX, I just played original Riders not too long ago)

I can't really describe this game, it's just sick. The amount of depth in all the skills you do is insane, the satisfaction of getting X-Ranks on tricks, perfect drifts, perfectly boosting, everything is sublime.

Best Spin-off Ever Made.

Slightly less good than Tournament Edition but still great.

I'm sure this mod does a ton to improve the base game, but I can't separate all that from the horrendous time I had playing this game at all. If they ever fix Babylon Garden, let me know.

prob the best racing/sonic game imo

this was the best sonic riders mod and i loved this game so sad that it no longer has a stable dev team