Reviews from

in the past

Good for what it was, a free battle royale version of Bomberman R. Still sad that it went out :(

if you alt+tab for one second while joining a match the game self destructs

Good going, Konami. You've managed to make a game that embodies everything that's wrong about multiplayer games in the middle of a pandemic and lockdown.

I wouldn't expect anything less from your corporation.

Fun idea bogged down with TERRIBLE load times (like 5+ minutes to get into a match that could last less than half that time), a cast mostly made up of Konami cameos, and all the worst trends in modern multiplayer games (season passes, microtransactions, excessive grinding for unlocks, etc.)

BUT it was fun to play, at least when you could. The different item loadouts for each Bomber along with how the whole battle royale was structured with the field swapping n such made for some cool strategy.

Although the servers have been down for half a year now, this mode is coming to Super Bomberman R 2. Here's hoping they fix those load times.

This game is great
the Battle 64 game mode is great, another well-made twist on the bomberman formula (though you can't really go wrong with bomberman can't you?)
The only complaints I have are the fact that you have to buy the premium pack to create private lobbies, and the long loading times
Other then that the game is really well made, looking forward to how it will turn out in the future

Konami dijo: pagad 10 euros si quereis crear una sala
Y Juanjo Sergi y yo dijimos: y si le damos a buscar partida rapida todos a la vez? y siempre funciona porque esto no lo juega ni el tato

gostosinho de jogar até, bom pra passar o tempo

it's enjoyable in short bursts

fuck you konami, at least i got to try it before it shuts down

Much like tetris 99, pacman 99, mario 35, it takes the bomberman gameplay and shifts it to a battle royale format. It's pretty interesting, having different quadrants you move through and fight in phases while collecting the usual bomberman powerups and with different characters that give different abilities.

In the one round I've played it took forever to get in, but it was a solid experience overall. I feel like the team behind it are not gonna be incentivized by konami to properly balance abilities and with characters being purchasable, very likely will make it also p2w.

It has a variety of characters konami keeps locked in their greedy dungeons, trotted out as bomber-fied versions of themselves. Right now it has a 10 dollar pack of about 14 characters from castlevania, MGS, etc, and a roughly 8 dollar 100-rank battle pass for the MGS characters, some cardboard box emotes, and a few dozen taunts and titles related to MGS which I can't lie I was tempted to get. But their existence reminds me of what happened with the series. At least raiden's free.

Anyway, predatory monetization aside, it is fun if you can play. I will rotate this in my BRs as I do enjoy bomberman at its basic level.

I'm always up for a good Bomberman match. Timeless game.

Why does this require 8 gb ram again?

Cool except the optimization and questionable battle pass stuff.

This game is extremely good, so little to understand, yet so much depth. Definitely recommend as it's free, and a very good time.

It could have been an interesting take on the Battle Royale formula, and what we got was a poorly made, barely undesrtandable disaster full of microtransactions and that takes minutes to get into a game that could last seconds. This is pure chaos, and not the fun type of chaos.

For a brief moment, it felt like bomberman was breathing again. Was so cool to see this OG battle royale franchise get updated to a modern format. As a service I didn't really understand it, the way they monetized it felt weirdly half baked and unconfident. Which I imagine is why they shut it down so fast, wasn't making money. Such a shame, as a modern classic bomberman experience I couldn't really ask for more.

Queue times were generally ok in my experience considering I was playing bomberman in current year, I just loved that it was a thing and that people were playing it.

ALSO the silent hill song they put in this is the hottest song to come out of a video game in at least the last 5 years.

I'll miss this one ;(

Honestly surprised enough people are playing this to fill a whole room

This is a trashcan. Not fun. The online was junky as can be.

Played a little bit on launch day on PS5, and good god these load times are atrocious. How do you mess up Bomberman?

It's fun for a bit, but Konami bites you soon enough

Multijugador tan divertido como Bomberman nos tiene acostumbrados. La tienda es una maravilla y dan ganas de jugar sin parar solo para poder vaciarla entera.

El problema radica en que, ahora, hay algunos personajes del juego que tienen habilidades, lo cual lo hace, en cierta manera, desbalanceado. Bomberman nunca ha sido tan traicionero en ese sentido, y eso le quita cierta diversión al multijugador. Ahora ya no se gana con habilidad, sino con poderes especiales contra los que no se puede hacer nada.

Por otro lado, el cambio en el doblaje en la voz de Bomberman Blanco es bastante notorio y resulta desagradable a los oídos para quienes conocen la verdadera voz infantil de dicho bombardero.

< 1er vistazo #72 >
-> Veamos... sabía que este momento llegaría tarde o temprano... aunque intenté aplazar esta opinión tanto como fuese posible. Por mucho que tenga todo tipo de recuerdos chéveres con esta entrega... dudo poder olvidar ese final...
-> Después de todo, el videojuego empezó de forma "simple", con un modo principal de 64 jugadores, brindando una "peculiar" forma de jugar un "battle royale" con elementos de esta genial franquicia OwO.
-> Acompañado con la implementación de un pase de batalla, para ganar diversas recompensas, estaba todo servido en "bandeja de plata"... resultando que... la duración misma de la temporada... terminaría por jugarle en contra...
-> Incluso... una vez terminado la primera, hubo un intervalo de tiempo, de varias semanas (hasta donde recuerdo), sin algún tipo de novedad, ni siquiera un pequeño aviso de los futuros cambios que ocurrirían en el título...
-> Por tal motivo... da la impresión de que no pensaron que el videojuego duraría más de una temporada xP (siendo solo el factor novedad lo que haría que el mismo siguiera activo un poco más del tiempo esperado).
-> Y ahí es donde la "simpleza" también le juega en contra... considerando los diversos power ups presentados en la gran cantidad de títulos que tiene la franquicia... mantenerse con los básicos... puede llegar a "aburrir"...
-> Pensándolo un poco más, sin ir tan lejos, se pudieron hacer escenarios temáticos o alguna variación en los mismos, para el modo Battle Royale, no obstante, se mantuvo el mismo por un laaaaaargo tiempo... u.U.
-> Entre las pocas mejoras experimentadas, las novedades "escasas" y cierta falta de comunicación... cuando se inició con la 2da temporada... tuve la impresión de que gran parte de los jugadores se habían marchado...
-> Súmenle que el esfuerzo parecía cada vez menos... esto lo menciono por el 2do pase de batalla... a diferencia del 1ro, aquí habían una mayor presencia de monedas del juego... para poder comprar algunas cosas en la tienda.
-> Si bien es una gran ayuda (ya que las mismas solo se podían comprar con dinero real), hubieron pocos elementos que a uno llamara la atención, en plan "conseguiré esos objetos exclusivos... SÍ O SÍ".
-> Y mejor... ya dejo de escribir porque me va a dar algo TT_TT... es que... habían tantos elementos para presentar un juego online que durara por años... ya saben... más power ups, más modos de juego, más "YOSHIS" (:v), etc.
-> PD: Hasta saqué bastante capturas, de la primera temporada, para hacerle un video opinión con unas palabras de esperanza al final... menos mal no salió porque habría quedado como un payaso xP [uno que llegó a GRAN ÉLITE B)].

it works surprisingly well as a battle royale

This is a very fun game with some really stupid issues that hold it back from a higher score. While this game is free to play one of the most basic functions in video game history is locked behind a $10 pay wall which is playing with your friends???? past that you don't even get the in game battlepass with this $10 purchase so that is another $10 for the battlepass so yeah some very dumb decisions holding back a rather very fun bomber man game.

I just wish i could play private w/o paying