Reviews from

in the past

Sword of Asumi is a visual novel taking place in an alternate universe Japan. Character and background art is poor, fitting for low budget visual novels but after this one got high funding on Kickstarters, so this is much lower quality than should have been expected. Cliched characters and dialogue that fits with bad fan fiction and not at all with the setting of the game. The game is short so all relationships are rushed with everyone liking you immediately. Some choices lead to dialogue and option changes but most have no effect on future scenes or thoughts, you can find yourself in strange conversations with characters who act like they know you very well when based on your decisions you might not even have met them. Dull music that seems to randomly stop at strange times, other what seems like an accident or it seems like they just lacked a track fitting for the mood. It felt like they wanted to make a dress up game more than anything else, for how short the game is you are constantly changing clothes for almost everything that you do, and then I noticed they did make a dress up game as DLC. All the endings of the games play out in the same way and lead to the same choices, two quick playthroughs can allow you to see every ending that the game offers. The main plot of the game to uncover which of the characters is planning to lead a rebellion feels like a complete afterthought and adds nothing to the game. With the actual plot and characters being uninteresting for those who care about story, there being no sex scenes for people interested in that, and the writing not being bad or awkward enough for people that play VN just to laugh at them the game doesn't have anything to offer any of its players.

early darhker studio game a bit of a darker visual novel but still you can see peaks at what this dev would become even in the art style but overall this kind of whatever with weird choice for the branching paths

[Main Story]
Sword of Asumi is a Visual Novel that could have been something with a great potential, but that was not the case. The story to a certain point becomes boring. It could have been more developed since we are talking about clans, ninjas and assassinations (it's something I like). Who knows if there might be a Sword of Asumi 2, do not come up with a more elaborate plot.