Reviews from

in the past

The game is emblematic of the PSP and what makes handhelds in general feel so powerful. It's like you're holding pocket dimension in your hand. And this pocket dimension happens to be the entire island of Oahu. It's a miracle it runs at all let alone that it runs basically just as well as any PSP game. You even get to have yourself a derpy Big Rigs like experience by veering into the grass and just seeing how far off road you're really allowed to go. In all likelihood not the way you were intended to play, but when you do go blindly into the untamed procedural wilderness seemingly forever finding a way around multiple nearly 90 degree inclines and coming out half an hour later to civilization and seeing your GPS calculate the proper route back to where you came, it is almost transcendant.

Jogo muito bem feito e mesmo não sendo um jogo famoso possui coisas que os outros não tem.

this game doesn't feel particularly good to play, but the overall loop is/was so fun that I'm willing to overlook it

TDU on PS2/PSP does not seem like it should work as well as it does, but some would argue it works better than the "real" versions! Though I like the PC version a lot for the more immersive feel of the driving, PS2 TDU is a great game I am always glad to play again. The experience of driving around Oahu, trying out cars to buy and expand your collection has never been surpassed since this title.

How is the PS2 demake of TDU the superior version? What the heck happened there??
I dunno, but the physics are way more approachable, and because the PS2 is only /barely/ an online console, there was more effort put into the single player offering, so this version feels less gutted now that the servers are shut down.
It’s missing some stuff - no manual transmission, avatar customisation, a few cars etc - but this is the version I recommend to people.