Reviews from

in the past

Ehhh... this feels like an example project somebody made to learn the basics of Unity (and, for all I know, that's exactly what it is). And if I had made this, you betcha I would be forcing all my friends to play it; it functions, it looks fine, there's power ups and collectibles that all works as intended, etc... as someone who has never designed a game (unless you count RPG Maker...), I would be proud of having made this.

But as something to release to the wider world, this needs one hell of a lot more polish. Simply put, the movement in this game feels really bad... which is a shame, because this is supposed to be a precision platformer. This game reminds me most of Duck Souls; but where Duck Souls had fast, flowing movement, snappy controls and fun and varied level design, Aashaa is clunky, slow and extremely samey. Aashaa loves to slide down stairs at unpredictable speeds instead of standing on them, the wall jump and dash both feel very inconsistent, and the single repeated wall texture and 10-second looping music will break even the strongest minds after a while. So yeah... this is a decent early attempt by the dev (if that's what this is), but otherwise it's really not great...