Reviews from

in the past

foi uma grata experiência, joguei isso daqui sem saber nada sobre a trama, quando dei por mim, tava me importando mais do que deveria com uma personagem de videogame, que supostamente não existe. videogames são irados demais, teatro vazio com plateia lotada

stopped when they asked me to read, wasn't really into the writing and themes before and didn't really want to read a webpage to get more of it. 1/4 moms would like it

I think Atopes brings a lot of really neat ideas to the table. The game kind of exists in this meta space, where the developer breaks the fourth wall and points out that you're playing a video game. You have to go through the files to change out Anima's game cartridge, and they constantly have you messing with the innerworkings of your computer to progress. It reminds me a lot of OneShot, which does really similar tricks with text documents and moving your window around.

The games that you play in Atopes are pretty much all charming, but also really simple. There's a cool puzzle platformer called "Rainbow" that I would genuinely play more of if there was a full game. And "Bunny Chronicles" is this short shmup where you progressively get stronger with each time loop. There's some really neat ideas in here. They even have you read through a book and mess around with the links to progress. Everything here is passable to really cool, but nothing overstays its welcome. I wasn't huge on the RPG game at first, but it definitely grew on me towards the end. And I guess I can see the appeal of a game like ";", but it felt a little too math heavy for me.

I don't want to spoil too much about this game, but it's definitely one that I think people should play all the way through. It took me a lot longer than I expected, but I'm happy that I saw it out to the end. There's clearly a lot of passion put into this, and it's really cool that this is totally free.

lol kinda cute digging through files and playing pretty dece flash games, nice that it has like a certain appreciation and love for countless like lost games that just populated the internet at a point. however im not reading a novel esp when I find the writing to be not that good and I have like too many illeglly downloded books from libg*n lmaooo. reminded me lots of the phone games that gamestop put out w the bunny they used to advertise w