Reviews from

in the past

Fun with friends with similar skill level, but with goated players it ain't that fun.

This is one of thje most fun multiplyaer games ever holy shit

one of the most fun games to play with friends,also you can get really good at this game there is some skill to it

There is a dedicated quack button and if you hold it down you can move your tongue around with the right thumbstick. Truly this is one of the greats.

Frantic, hilarious, very addicting.

Esse é bom p jogar com os mano e entupi de mod

Probably alright with friends but offers nothing else really.

sempre achei muito chato e sempre vou achar

Идеальная игра для компании друзей

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Great (and chaotic) fun if you have a couple of people to play with. I haven’t tried the online mode yet but local multiplayer was awesome and it is propably the way to go. Unfortunately it got a bit stale after I had figured out all the mechanics but I’m sure I’ll come back to this one.

pretty fuckin sweet party game

This game is an amazing arcade game that's perfect for those nights of playing with the boys, complete with extremely fun and skill-based gameplay, plenty of screaming out of frustration and laughing at your friends' plays. The addition of community-made maps adds a ton of variety. There's also a solid single-player story mode that is really just a ''pro tips'' mode. It showcases sequence breaks and special weapon interactions that really take the multiplayer matches to the next level. Spend the time to clear it and stomp your friends, or stay silly and compete with only base strats! Recommended.

Me and my friends get really loud in the game oh my god dude, again I'm sorry god for what I have said (and honestly will continue to keep saying) while playing this game

Banger game with surprisingly vast tech. Nuts fun with friends and mods.

This game is such stupid fun. A blast with friends in person.

Best game to play with friends.

Very fun if you manage to get 4 players. Sadly, I have no friends.

The Duck Says: unironically the best fast-paced instagib game on the market. I applaud the simplicity of the style and the tight and responsive controls. The physics are the cherry on top of the chaotic round-based combat. Duck Game perfected its own unique craft.

great game if u want to be strangled for winning

Fun as hell, funny as hell, endless replayability through custom levels, and a ridiculously good soundtrack that proves the perfection of the Mega Drive soundfont. One of my favorite party games that I always have trouble getting people to play with me because I suppose the actual gameplay isn't super innovative. I wish I had one of those quacking buttons Adult Swim gave out once.