Reviews from

in the past

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[Review copied from Steam]

I played Brilliant Shadows a long time ago, but I remember really liking it. this was quite the opposite. The narrative text was quite nice, though it had some grammatical errors, but the dialogue was just so... bad. unrealistic. you can really tell where the writer's strengths lie. This also was to the detriment of the voice acting, which was even worse. The voice actors definitely weren't professionals, and the way in which they acted was very... well, OVERacted. Like in bad english anime dubs, you know the ones, though perhaps not as bad. Except Anne. Oh boy, I just could not take anything he said seriously, that accent did not fit with the game at all. And the sound design? The music is nice, but the sound effects are so loud and intrusive. The mud squelching had me visibly contort my face in disgust, and the owl's chirps annoyed me to no end. Never in my life have i heard an owl sound like that. nor seen one look like that. There are also some baby lizard characters which seem to be there solely to piss me off with their obnoxious sounds, and one of them sounds straight up like a worse version of Stitch from Lilo & Stitch.
The only redeeming quality of this game is that it was free.