Reviews from

in the past

-Balls -
Tiene un gameplay bastante rápido, pero siento que deacae demasiado en la monotonia, en parte por su poca cantidad de armas y habs, como tal es un roguelite decente. Se queda corto por lo dicho.
Y graficamente es bonito, su historia es "Meh"

Sempre quis ser main wrencking ball no overwatch e definitivamente tive meus desejos realizados. Ótimo jogo, divertido pra passar o tempo. A arte é bonita, as fases são legais. Foda.

A game about speed that feels miles better than most Sonic games. Is a twin stick shooter though, so different thing all together. Looks great, music is really frenetic, and has a pretty good progression.

Really want to like this, and 2* might be a little harsh, but there's so much unrealised promise here. A shame.

Rogue Like não é um dos gêneros que eu gosto, mas esse aqui parece ser um dos que eu jogaria, a gemplay é bem dinâmica e divertida.

Eu demorei pra me adaptar e para entender. Mas depois que entendi. Fluiu muito bem. Vale muito pros fãs de jogos arcade, especialmente se gostar de jogos frenéticos.

It took me a while to adapt and to understand. But after I did, it flowed nicely It's really worth it for fans of arcade games, especially if you like frantic games.

très cool, manque un peu d'aspect roque lite

What a delightful little game. The movement and core mechanics are super fun and polished, and I could see this leading to a really active score-chasing/speedrunning scene. Love discovering lil gems like this on Game Pass!

Um jogo bem divertido, fator replay meio tanto faz, nn me motivou tanto para continua jogando após zera, mas tudo eh bem gostosinho, toda temática e sons de pinball é muito bem encaixado, e eh extremamente frenético, oq me divertiu bastante

Bons gráficos, sem muita inovação com o passar das runs, jogo bem fácil também (zerei na primeira run).

Vale se você for um iniciante nos roguelikes e quiser um jogo mais simples, mas que é bem divertido com as mecânicas de pinball.

Só joguei por estar no game pass, mas uma diversão bem leve (tudo bem que só fiz 1 run mas zerei fds)

This game was okay. A rougelite introducing pinball elements to freshen up gameplay. Unfortunately the levels are quite samey with flat enemies excluding the bosses. After one completed run I was certain I saw all the game had to offer.

it's so incredibly frustrating to see a game with a cool movement system and some interesting ideas around combos and counters just absolutely give up on encounter design and a difficulty curve because a roguelike is a common design pattern.

Go Mecha Ball's gamefeel is so delicious it should be used to teach classes on character controllers.

It's an instant game of the year contender.
It's a love letter to screenshake.
It's a PhD-level dissertation on "juice".
It's the best core loop I've ever felt in a roguelite.

movement was lots of fun, looks good, generally just felt really good. a bit easy though! i beat my very first run, and it doesn't seem like there's a ton of replayability beyond just wanting to do some more runs for fun. which is fine, it's fun enough to do that a bit but i wish there was a bit more variety in the locations/bosses.

Man, ce jeu est de la BOMBE! Le gameplay est ultra frénétique et satisfaisant qu'il pardonne le fait qu'il est si court (j'ai fini une run après 2 essais)

Un must pour n'importe quel fan de jeu d'action et de Roguelite!