Reviews from

in the past

God of War 2, foi um dos jogos que mais me marcou, e provavelmente foi um dos jogos que mais joguei na infância, com uma história na minha opinião superior ao primeiro jogo


Jogo maravilhoso, superou muito o primeiro na minha opinião.

Facilmente um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei.

blows the first game out of the water and my mind with it. what a masterpiece.

é meu jogo preferido da franquia, ambientação muito foda, batalhas dinâmicas e MUITO épicas, jogabilidade segue o mais do mesmo mas nao deixa de ser muito divertido. o jeito que o jogo explora e demonstra a história é mt foda

Slightly better than the first, mostly in the boss fight department. I also like the reference to the poor ship dude. He keeps getting killed by Kratos.

Mi favorito de toda la saga, si el primero ya era bueno, este mejora todos los aspectos un poco más, y gráficamente pega un salto increíble, teniendo en cuenta que están en la misma consola. Los puzles me parecen más conseguidos, así como las peleas contra jefes, los escenarios y la cinematografía.

esse aqui pra mim nem se compara com o primeiro, lembro de ter jogado ele incansavelmente.

How to sequel a franchise properly.

God of War 2 pretty much improves on every aspect of the already perfect first game. The graphics have more details and better light and shadow effects. The score is the best in the franchise. The gameplay is the same but more polished and the story builds up alot of new lore to the series, especially with the whole Titans vs. Gods conflict of the great war.

This is the game though that turned Kratos into the meathead most people know him of. It sure makes sense though, since the gods gave him empty promises and refused to free him from his PTSD. It wents so far that it turned Kratos into an anti hero with some slasher villain characteristics. He uses innocent people as objects to overcome certain obstacles just so he can reach his goal to get revenge on Zeus, despite it being "mostly" possible to find other ways around them.

The story is more or less as good as the first game since its the one that builts alot of new lore as mentioned before. Finding out more about the Gods and Titans was really interesting. Also worth mentioning is that this games story feels the most like a true adventure. Mostly because during Kratos' travel he finds all kind of different people that like him search, or either work for the Sisters of Fate so those that search for them can change their destiny, but of course Kratos can't let that happen.

The gameplay as mentioned before is a lot more polished now. Cyclones of Chaos for example is much better to use than in the original game. You get a lot of more weopon and magic variety and you don't lose your Mana that fast so you can use magic attacks more often. The platforming has been improved and reduced offering more replay value for those that dislike them. Enemy variety has also been increased giving some new and old enemy typed to fight. The game has more boss fights and the one in particular against Lahkesis and Atropus is the best in the franchise. It offers the perfect mix between music, enviromental combat and boobies to witness.

The score and levil design are also the best in the franchise. Exploring the Isle is my favorite piece of music in the game. The levels offer far more variety than in the first game and are far more color friendly.

It's easy to say that this the T2 of video game sequels. Kratos adventure to the sisters of fate is pretty much his most epic adventure and the best in the franchise. It offers the right variety between story telling, fast paced gameplay and puzzle solving.

10/10 3 meter tall goddesses with nude boobie.

idk i wasn't having fun

Não me recordo de nenhum jogo que tenha o inicio mais épico e bem feito quanto esse game, a forma como o jogo te da a mesma sensação de poder do final jogo anterior é te tira de uma maneira que te faz sentir raiva e buscar vingança junto ao Kratos. Foda


Jogo começa fabuloso, se mantém incrível e termina com um gancho espetacular. Gameplay mais fluída que seu antecessor, poderes mais úteis, cenários ainda mais bonitos e armas novas. As melhores bossfights da franquia estão aqui, não tem jeito. É o GOTY of War

Simplesmente o melhor god of war de todos

eu era viciado em glitch de speedrun kkkkkkkk valeu speedmartyr

great sequel. amazing bossfights and enemies

zerei quando era criança com meu irmao muito foda

Momentos BESTIALEMENTE epicos en todos los aspectos de la palabra

Te sientes como en una escritura hecha por los mismo griegos hace milenios
La furia, la venganza se sienten en las venas de nuestro protagonista el cual ha sufrido un peor destino que la muerte

divertido, mejor que el primero. me cansa un poco tanto machacar botones, pero al menos es corto

peak ps2. it pushed it to its limits and they delivered so well.

This was an amazing game, and looks amazing! I was stunned by the quality of the ending visuals, and enjoyed this shorter, but amazing game. The story was awesome, along with all of the combat mechanics! A very high reccomendation.

Moeda de 1 real simplesmente inesquecível

This game was the first what i completed.

I do think the story is weaker in this title than in the previous games, BUT almost everything else was better. The graphics are leagues better, the combat is more enticing, rewarding, and challenging, the abilities were fun to use.