Reviews from

in the past

I played this one for a while - it only saddens me that I had no one to play it with. It's a good game and there seems to be a lot to do. I love crafting and survival games so I guess this is a good one to pick.

I will play it again when I have company :)

Petite survie stylé à faire au moins une fois dans sa vie, on redécouvre le monde qui nous entoure sous un angle différent.
Attention cependant aux arachnophobes c'est parfois flippant de rentrer dans le nid d'araignées de jardin ( je me suis fait dessus caou )

the equivalent of an abusive girlfriend

2.5☆ - A neat survival game, but the genre isn't my thing. Really cool idea though.

Deixou de ser divertido, parecia ter que fazer uma tarefa. No final eu só queria terminar logo porque já tinha gastado tempo demais nele.

Babe, are you okay? You barely touch your survival game with a research tree, base building, and annoying bosses

While I think this game does have its own issues, I loved the concept and it's still getting updates! Scary af if you are afraid of spiders (I still scream when I see spiders in this game) but it does have an arachnophobia mode which is nice. Building in this game can be a bit buggy (ha) at times but I haven't played in a hot minute, so this may not even be an issue anymore. Once you get the hang of it, the parrying aspect of the combat is really satisfying to pull off. It's super fun to play with friends, and I would recommend it if you've seen the gameplay and it looks like your thing.

Jogo de sobrevivência muito bom, me prendeu muito, é bem interessante viver em miniatura num jardim, porém o fato de os inimigos sempre serem insetos me incomodou muito, o que me fez parar depois de um tempo. Uma crítica que tenho é que algumas construções não tem explicações de como funciona. Tirando isso, tudo é excelente.

Este tipo de juegos me aburren un poco fácil, y eso que lo jugaba con un amigo, no esta mal eso sí, pero no me veo jugándolo muchas horas.

Its not a bad time but it is just another survival crafting. and if you've played one you've played em all. This one has some cool personality though and its fun with friends.

I love the concept of Grounded but some aspects feel really janky. one being the whole pet thing, which I was really excited for but… my first pet got killed by an ant while I was trying to figure out how to keep it safe, only to discover the whole thing is bugged out. the heartbreak

Fan du concept et de l'histoire que ce jeu d'aventures nous propose. Ça offre des bons moments avec des amies c'est cool juste que le jeu manque cruellement que nouveaux biomes alors que le jeu a une infinité de possibilités donc pour moi le jeu ne va pas au bout de son concept génial

O jogo é bem divertido e super interessante, porém não me pegou muito, joguei mais com o meu irmão mas não é tão divertido sozinho

I've got entomophobia and arachnophobia

I'm not sure why I play this game at all but I love survival games too much. Had a great time with this. It kinda felt like facing my fears in some way shape or form.
Luckily I was playing with friends so if I ever got to something I just could not handle they didn't mind stepping in for me.
Watch out for that Koi fish.

Had a really fun time with this game, but I've moved on to other multiplayer games with friends. The multiplayer was definitely the hook for me, I don't think I would've played for as long as I did if I played by myself. My absolute favorite thing about this game was the sound design.

The game has some good ideas, but the execution is lacking. Completing this game felt like a chore, but had some interesting moments. Had two playthroughs, 76h48m not completed and 56h39m completed. Did not get 100% because requirements are insanely difficult. Played solo.
+ The world and setting. The idea of surviving in a miniature world is quite appealing, and is a break from typical fantasy worlds, that this genre has abundance of. Surviving in a backyard of the regular (not really) house that also manages to have different biomes is a very interesting idea on paper, and this implementation of the world was done quite good.
+ Enemy types and locations. They have also managed to do quite a good job of making regular boring insects like ants and spiders into varying enemies with different types, making them diverse and interesting.
- Combat and game balance. Even with Tier 3 weapons, mutations and buffs applied, the game is quite difficult. You are forced to carry several weapons with different types in order to even be able to handle most of enemies. Ranged weapons are very inefficient, and you are forced to have a mixed build to survive. Armor bonuses are mostly miserable, and even with all molars applied, you are very squishy and vulnerable to enemies in the upper yard.
- Game optimization and graphics. The game runs quite poorly, and on a system with 5800x and 6600XT, the CPU and GPU are struggling and overheating, which they don't in most modern AAA games that are more graphically impressive. But even with poor optimization, the graphics look quite bland. They did not implement the most modern version of FSR2, only having outdated FSR, which shows their negligence and laziness, given how long ago FSR2 came out.
- Progression system. Most Tier 1 and Tier 2 weapons and armor suck. Most mutations are useless. The actual useful resources are immensely hard to obtain, and the difficulty slope goes high very fast after obtaining Tier 1 equipment, and the jump to Tier 3 is much harder than that. The only somewhat useful weapons are obtained at the endgame, which doesn't make any sense. Molars are they only way to increase your stats in the classic RPG sense, and finding them is a chore, not something you like to do.

Underrated game to play with friends lowkey a horror game.

Pqp! Me diverti muito jogando essa joça. É aterrorizante fugir dos monstrengos a noite muito mais doq no minezin e dying light.

A fantastic iteration of the survival crafting genre. Possibly snubbed by it's early access phase it's a shame this game isn't more popular!

just a more boring minecraft except youre small.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids: The Game, but more violent and terrifying. Also there's base building! 10/10

Concept et histoire cool. Sauf que le jeu est mal pensé, si tu veut construire soit pres a ramasser 100000 pissenlit qui spawn que au meme endroit, pas de notion de génération de terrain comme minecraft se qui enleve enormément a la découverte. Moi je veux construire pendant que mes amis creve avec leur aracnophobie pas me faire chier.

ce fica pequeninin assim oh 🤏

I wish more survival games had hand-made maps instead of procedural generation, because the world map in Grounded is easily its greatest strength. The world of Grounded is deliberately cheesy, but it has great variety, clearly differentiated regions, and barely any repeated content. And it all comes together to make a world that is extremely satisfying to explore. There are plenty of collectibles and secrets to find without feeling overwhelming or padded, and there's a nice variety of enemies and environmental hazards to keep it constantly feeling fresh.

I played through this on a server with 2 friends where I quickly became the designated builder / base curator (that always happens in these games...). While the building mechanics aren't anything to get too excited about, they are very streamlined from a UI perspective. And this great UI permeates throughout the entire game. Any menu or feature you could possibly want to access has it's own hotkey for quick access, you can hold a button to automatically build an object instead of feed ingredients in one at a time, buildings will automatically pull resources from nearby chests if you have none in your inventory, etc etc. None of these are all that innovative or groundbreaking on their own, but it's all done so well here that it feels like smooth UI is the core philosophy of this game.

This sort of player respect extends to the amount of grinding / resource gathering you have to do as well. While games like Conan Exiles end up being almost entirely about mining and chopping down trees, we honestly didn't have to go out of our way for resources very much at all once we had a basic base set up and running. It's a tough balance to strike in these kinds of game; you want there to be enough resource gathering to make whatever you build feel more earned, but not enough to get in the way of actually playing the game. But Grounded strikes this balance pretty damn well.

I think I would say Grounded's main weakness, on the other hand, is its difficulty curve. The devs very clearly had a progression path in mind when making this, but it isn't at all clear which order you are intended to do some of the areas in. But even if you guessed right, the difficulty curve is... still very rocky. Enemies tend to swing wildly between trivial to deal with and nearly impossible, and a lot of times the gear you need to comfortably beat a given enemy requires a part you only get from killing that enemy. We never got stuck on any of these bits for too long, but it felt a bit jarring having to beat difficult enemies with underlevelled gear in between long periods of just kinda coasting through life. This spiky difficulty was mostly an issue during the early and mid-game, but the single worst example of it was one of the endgame quests, which we only ended up doing after 2 play sessions just preparing for it.

But generally? We had a good time here. The weird goofy 90s vibe isn't really to my taste but it's done pretty well and didn't detract from the experience. I did feel that Grounded lacked a nice gimmick; I find that all my favourite survival games (e.g. Raft or Subnautica) have an obvious twist on the standard survival game mechanics to help them stand out, and Grounded doesn't really have anything like this, outside of its set dressing. But as a pretty standard and by-the-numbers survival game, I'd say this is one of the best.