Reviews from

in the past


This game is pretty awesome tbh. The EA big intro is iconic and the menus, music, style is great here.

The roster is pretty awesome for 1998, you've got a wide range to choose from, with both new and old. Three divisions with a lot of stars, though the game is noticeably missing Mike Tyson, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, etc. It's still a competent and good roster. It even has a young Floyd Mayweather!

There are three gamemodes, one where anything goes and there are no rules or weightclasses, one where it's just a standard match with standard rules, and then career mode. The character customization is OK for 1998 I guess, and the career mode is the best game mode here, it's really the only single player content.

In career mode you rise through the ranks while raising your stats on strength, speed, and stamina through training. Luckily the training is just automatic and isn't an annoying chore to get through. Career mode provides unique fights and engaging enough progression, it's quite fun, though you can find some exploits on the AI that make things a bit too easy. Especially after you max out all your stats you're pretty much unbeatable.

The actual gameplay is jarring when you first look at it, it looks like nonsensical slapping, and while the game is quite sloppy, there is a lot of strategy and timing to it. Once you understand all the controls, the game controls pretty nicely minus some awkward movements around the ring.

This is just a fun ass game, a really good time. I think this may be the best 3D boxing game before the 2000s.