Reviews from

in the past

This her pack, or at least the half of it I played back in the day, is the reason why season 1 episode 5 of adventure time is so important to me. this isn't abandoned in a negative way, it's abandoned in a "I was 8 at the time and couldn't finish it" kind of way.

This level is two episodes being the enchirdion and mortal folly which are probably the most important episodes in early adventure time with them introducing the enchirdion which becomes a major item later on in the series being linked to most characters and in mortal folly the Lich is introduced who is the most reoccurring antagonist and was where the Adventure Time story started to expand. Overall I wish we got a full Lego adventure time game because there is a wide variety of characters and with very distinct locations that would lend well to a Lego game format the only problem is how you would adept the large variety of episodes