Reviews from

in the past

The most nothing fucking game ever.

Bowser Tower is fucking awesome

The minigames and modes are good, but what are the odds that you will find at least one person who wants to play this game?

Minigames brabos e viciantes.
Tirando isso é tudo lixo msm

Not an awful game and probably should score higher objectively but my God this is one of the most forgettable, boring, and generic games I've ever played. And it doesn't have the decency of being fun like the New Super Mario Bros series as most of the boards are dogshit with a few fun minigames sprinkled in there. I actually thought the story mode was alright because you didn't actually have to play on the boards, it was literally just minigames against CPUs. The final boss was also sort of cool but really you're not missing much if you skip this game.

Who the fuck cares about my opinion on Mario Party Island Tour we got SPIDER-VERSE 2, BABYYYYYY

An alright experience, lacks a lot of character that other Mario Parties have, but with okay minigames and okay boards, is not a terrible experience.

I would say is the best handheld mario (DS is likely better) that I've played. Feels more like the original mario party than the others.

it’s a modern Mario Party game

For a 3DS Mario Party... it tried I guess?

More like island stupid ass fuck game


This is a fun Mario Party game to play single player wether if it is to beat minigame highscores or the single player tower content. Of course, it has value in multiplayer too just like the other Mario Party games but it is a bit lacking in strategy elements.

el mario party mas infravalorado

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Ok, I personally love this game and I really don’t know why so many people hate it. I grew up with this Mario Party game when I was a little kid and I still love it today. The boards were ok, the character selection was good, the mini games were fantastic, and the side modes were good too. My favorite side mode was by far when you have to fight all of these silver enemy’s and you make your way up several floors in a big tower and fight bosses along the way and then when you get to the top, you fight Bowser. This game mode I played literally all the time and I absolutely adored it. Overall, I love this game I think it is a amazing game and I honestly don’t know why so many people dislike the game or maybe even hate it.

Only played this a few times. It's entirely based on luck. There's almost no skill. The game also completely ends when someone reaches the goal, making you feel cheated when the game finishes. The minigames are good, but that doesn't save this game.

Ok...this pretty meh, not gonna lie, i mean the minigame are great but all the board are terrible and have all stupid gimmick : why you just dont stay on the formula of mario party 1-8? This work so great in the past on handled (mario party ds is the best example). I guess the boss fight and tower rush are ok...the game looks fine and the music is kind of bad

I still like this game tho, because the minigame are great, but overall a pretty meh game

A pretty disappointing Mario Party game. Although at least this game doesn't have the car gameplay.

Hated the system this one used.

Frankly at this current point in time, it just seems like the Mario Party series is doomed to always feature gimmicks and modes that either don't work for it or are extremely polarizing. Thankfully Mario Party: Island Tour has been the closest we've gotten to good old fashioned Mario Party, but that doesn't really mean much when it still falls on it's face. The main party mode consistent of a few boards that are race to the finish progression boards, and while I understand the excitement of progression, the format doesn't really work well when games can end a lot sooner than usual. The single player mode is perhaps the best addition of this game, providing a rather weak story and reason to play all the mini-games, but at the least it feels rewarding and even has some neat mini-game bosses to deal with. Sadly streetpass mini-games were kinda moot at this point as the majority of people have their streetpass spots filled and likely never considered to use this feature over say Bravely Default. Largely this game just feels like half ass attempt at making Mario Party on the go without understanding that we already have that in the form of the DS version. If this was released earlier in the 3DS's life it might have gotten some fans, but as it is it's just overshadowed by so many other Mario parties before it that once the novelty of it wears off, it's not worth picking up ever again.

My day was ruined and my disappointment was immeasurable. I still 100%ed it, because the game had very little content. On the plus, I commend it for having a full length download-play, which let me play it with friends; not many games had DL play to that extent (only notable other one that comes to mind is Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon)

It's boring, confusing in design, and a terrible direction for the series. Mini games are fairly decent though, which makes the side modes a bit more bearable

Taking a page from the mostly unknown Namco crossover game Pac-Man Fever, Island Tour's boards are linear. It's not great, the change to linear boards lessens the variety but the minigames and side modes are somewhat fun. The main flaw is the fact it's stuck on 3ds which makes playing multiplayer more difficult probably the best 3DS Mario Party though.