Reviews from

in the past

This was a game that I randomly decided to pick up for an incredibly cheap price on the Switch eShop, when browsing bargain deals. I like racing games, so I wanted to check it out.

I really enjoy the aesthetic of this game, and many of the music tracks were quite memorable. What sets this game apart from other racing games is that it doubles up as a shooter in a Star Wars type of way. The game is very fast and takes some practice to control, but what keeps you on your toes is the constant need to balance your racing line with extra tasks, such as picking up crystals, shooting down airborne obstacles or blocks in your path, and using turbos at safe times, all while maintaining your vehicle's energy.

The premise is cool, and focused on time trials. It is simple to understand, but incredibly hard to master. For a cheap price, it was worth the admission fee. The one big issue with it was how glitchy it was, which is somewhat understandable given that it was not worked on with a large team. Driving glitches would frequently occur when going off of ramps, making me dread courses that had a lot of them, and sometimes not even doing anything at all would trigger these glitches. Additionally I don't remember what would trigger it, but the game would sometimes lag or stop playing music. This could be fixed by restarting the game, but was a little annoying.

In summary, this was a cool idea and aesthetic, but very unpolished. If you're a fan of time trialing in racing games and don't mind some glitches, it's definitely worth taking a look at. I ended up getting a lot of the Switch records back when I played, and many of them weren't particularly strong times due to how tough some of the courses were. There are likely records out there for the taking!