Reviews from

in the past

Got this game sometime in 2015 and finally came back to it and beat it last year. The controls take a while to get used to but few things are more fun than Monster Hunter multiplayer.

Glad I played the series, but it's not very fun by yourself.

My absolute favorite MonHun game to this day!
An endless number of hours can be poured into playing this game and you'll only reach the surface of what it has to offer!

As someone who started playing monster hunter way back when, this was one of the last I truly got sucked into, rise was great, but I just miss that OG mh, nothing fancy just slashing

My first Monster Hunter. Very unintuitive to a newcomer, but still a lot of fun.

My favorite and the second best mh game

Le meilleur Monster Hunter old school, les nouveaux monstres sont trop bien.

Um jogo com cutscenes lindas principalmente para o 3ds e com um primor em mecânicas que até hoje funciona muito bem, mas que seu looping de repetição não funciona tão bem comigo, uma das principais problemas foi eu ter jogado solo, fazer algumas casadas foram realmente muito boas, mas manter por um tempo esse ritmo não foi comigo, possivelmente se esse jogo não fosse tão longo eu pegaria até chega-lo o final, mas pela sua longa duração no momento atual, prefiro focar em outros games, mas sem duvida um dia irei retorna a joga-lo até concluir.

my childhood. games dont do it like this anymore. hundreds of hours of content contained on one 3ds cartridge. no dlc purchase required. i love modern monster hunter but i never find myself able to sink as much time into them as i could with this game. seemingly infinite content with tons of free updates in its prime, i fucking loved this game and i didnt even have friends to play it with

played this game a lot when i was younger.. very very fun and gore magala is quite cool out of melee range

Added verticality, new weapons and online play. The full solo campaign is not a chore to play through and has/had an amazing online experience. Also the collaborations with Nintendo were chefs kiss

I don't think I knew what to do in this at all, but I remember thinking it was cool.

While slightly over-estimated by people, is definitely sharing the top spot for 'classic' MH with Generations Ultimate.

This is the best Monster Hunter game, there was a time I played every single night with my friends. Community is very wholesome and supportive, too.

juego base acabado y de momento god
jaja la charge blade hace pum

Buen monster hunter de los mas entretenidos

Hundreds of hours of gameplay, incredible production values for a 3DS game, an incredible soundtrack, and caters to both solo AND multiplayer-oriented players. One of the best games on the 3DS, and it's not even close.

i love me monster hunter and in terms of classic gens this one does story and character very well, great monsters great music, and more weapons than ever before! wowie zowie

Have 500 hours in this one, peak Old School Monster Hunter

I had some fun with this game. I really liked the different monster designs and thought the gameplay was pretty alright. It was a little difficult to control thanks to the 3DS, but after a bit, I got used to it.

melhor monster hunter. tem uma história fraca, mas é a primeira existente em um jogo de mh. a gameplay é até que simples comparado com os jogos futuros, mas é efetiva. a questão de áudio e aparência é o que faz o jogo ser tão especial, bem feito e polido. a UI, a UX, os gráficos, a trilha sonora, a atmosfera, o estilo de arte, os designs dos monstros, os ataques deles. os combos são mais desenvolvidos de ambos lados (do jogador e do monstro). no geral é um jogo extremamente especial e mora no meu coração.

I will always comeback and play the monster hunter franchise. Monster designs are innovative and unique, by far this is my favorite amongst the series together with monster hunter unite.

This was my third attempt to get into this franchise and it worked. I adore this game to this day, monster selection is great: I love Gore Magala, Seregios, Seltas Queen, Tetsu, Zamtrio, Nercy, Kecha, Naraja and the returning classics made me aw, new comfort features are added. Everything is such a joy I love the quest-grind system, the story and its progression is fun. An absolute blast. I also have to give some love for the community: the way I was treated was amazing people would help and explain me various things such nice people.I think this is still may be myfavourite.

Way too confusing and kinda boring

holy shot soloing g rank is hard

El juego que más disfrute en 3DS, 600 horas y pocas fueron.