Reviews from

in the past

aprecio a pixel art e o sistema complexo do jogo, mas o combate em si não me fisgou.

Really fun and replayable game, even better with mods.

I lit myself on fire and exploded 30% of the map

my pc steamed at one point

Muitas ideias boas. Gosto principalmente da forma dinâmica e realista que a física e as partículas funcionam.

O jogo acaba ficando meio chato por ser caótico demais (você morre sem nem entender o que diabos aconteceu) e ter uma gameplay meio problemática, com você se prendendo em cantos e sua mira sendo mais imprecisa que um sniper com glaucoma e parkinson.

Mas eu gostaria que esse jogo tivesse uma sequência. Essas ideias colocadas em um jogo mais polido e mais bem feitinho poderiam gerar algo realmente bem foda

steta sto ih boleo kurac da zavrse igricu

finally, a game that allows me to make anything and then after punches me in the face

I want to keep playing this from time to time, but i wanted to see the end of it, so i installed some mods to make it a bit easier. Some health collectables and respawn points. It did make the excitement lessen but as i advanced, i realized how long it would likely take me to fully beat it, though i still had to employ plenty of skill to get through. Though I'm sure i could have gotten some rng blessing to get actually good wand setups but that's a lot to worry about. But vanilla or modded is a fantastic experience, with lots of pretty effects based around the pixel rendering system and a few neat secrets to dig into. The music is really strong too. It does what it does really well and maybe lacks a layer, but it's largely strong throughout

I mean the game is exactly what I was expecting. I don't really know why I didn't like it that much.

Fun but I am very confused!

Aint played it enough really

I died because my own saw spell hit my face

El día que te cruces con alguien que realmente le sepa a este juego y te cuente la de cosas que tiene vas a pensar que te está vacilando.

Wizard game immersive sim from hell. I enjoy the mechanics of this game far too much to be this bad at it. Despite countless hours of watching tutorials on how to build wands I still cannot wrap my brain around it. You will spend 90% of your time with this game in the first level.

Unique and interesting roguelike, the pixel reactions are really cool and the variety of wands is extremely impressive. Wonderful game

Have you ever missed out on an obvious masterpiece that people sung their praises over upon release, only for you to pick it up and love it some years later?
It happened to me a few times before. Cuphead, Hollow Knight, Rain World... and now this game.

Feels a bit shitty to rank this so low as there is clearly a lot of game below the surface but I am just not feeling engaged with it and would rather move on.

Very good but 90% of the content is so convoluted and hard to find I can't really justify giving it a higher rating.
The content mentioned though is extremely cool however.

With how many hours I have on this silly pixelated indie roguelike that TOTALLY DOESNT CONTAIN MANMADE HORRORS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION you would think I'd have at least gotten the main/most basic ending by now wouldn't you... And I know for a fact it goes much MUCH deeper than what I have seen so far

Naaaaaaaaaaaah. This game is ball-bustingly hard and even though you die to the most bullshit things there's always an explanation to it and it's almost always a "skill issue"(both ironically and unironically).

Still a better wizard game than Hogwarts "another soulles open world cashgrab exploting a popular title/brand" Legacy

not enough content to justify enough replays tbh

Absolutely riveting game to explore. Discovering the secrets in this game is a mind-boggling experience, and every time you think you've hit a boundary the game will not let you cross, it defies your expectation and all genre conventions and lets you pass if you can demonstrate enough game knowledge. At it's core it's a very fun roguelike, but it's one of the deepest games I've ever played.

its fun, but i cant be bothered to put time into learning the convoluted spell system

Once, I died because I shoot a Tentacle that spawned a deer
The deer exploded on my face...

One of the best Indie games ever, there are endless ways to die and infinite spells to craft. Don't be fooled this game has a lot of requirements because of it's great physics.