Reviews from

in the past

needs more harmonica in the intro

Persona 4 Golden no solo es un gran JRPG, sino que además, al igual que otras entregas de la saga Persona, se siente muy único y carismático frente a otras sagas de RPGs.

Me encantó la historia que involucraba el desarrollo del misterio que une a todos los personajes, además de que estos se sienten muy cercanos, como verdaderos amigos del alma, algo que aprecio bastante. De verdad, adoro a los personajes principales de Persona 4 Golden, y Yosuke es mi pana.

La música es fantástica, y el combate, aunque al principio se me hizo duro, le pude ir cogiendo cada vez más el tranquillo hasta sacar todo su potencial.

En resumen, Persona 4 Golden es indispensable, es un auténtico juegazo y merece totalmente la pena.

Incluso si es el primer juego de Persona para alguien que busque introducirse a esta serie, este juego es una gran opción. Una auténtica joya.

Persona 4 is a very good persona game, just not as good as 3 and 5.

Story is solid, but I think it was a gigantic plot fail that literally the entire investigation team, a team solving a murder case, is stupid. It was crazy how naoto literally carried every conversation with actual reasoning while yosuke and chie yelled at eachother and kanji just yelled at nothing.
I couldn't stand half the investigation team honestly, yosuke and teddie sexual harassment got really really old really really fast.

I fucked up getting the true ending, nothing hurts more than seeing fake credits and realising i didn't jingle the tree spirits balls and decline the yes or no to ending the game so that i can hit the flag for the actual ending, not spending like 3 hours going back just to watch a cutscene and read a novel of dialogue.

Overall, needs a remake I would say, if the game got the level of style and polish of Reload, I think it'd be 5 stars.

Acredito que os amigos são os amigos que fizemos no caminho.

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nah, the strip club dungeon is crazy ngl

Man I fucking love this game. The Investigation Team just feels so real and they're probably my favorite group out of the Persona series. Adachi is also such a cool villain and very memorable too. Will not lie though, this game is probably the weakest gameplay wise.

good... too hard in beggining too easy at end

melhor crew e história dos personas que joguei até agora

algumas coisas fazem falta na gameplay já que eu comecei a franquia com os jogos mais novos (P5R e P3R) mas fui me acostumando aos poucos

im not gonna sugarcoat it adachi hard carries persona 4 (the rest of the game is good too)

Absolutely PHENOMENAL, The cast was the shining star in the game by far. The chemistry between them all felt so REAL, and relatable. I don't remember laughing nearly as much in P3R compared to p4. I'd give it a 10/10, but it loses a weeee bit of points due to combat feeling a weeeee bit outdated. LOTSSS of missing attacks; even without accuracy raises/lowering. Getting sneak attacks to gain initiative is a pain often, and involves jiggle peaking and waiting around corners for the shadows to slowlyyyy turn away. The town feels really small, and less free to explore compared to P3. Everything else though, music, story, characters, s-links, dungeons... AMAZING. I was sad when it ended, but it was a happy sad this time around, instead of an iwanttogodie- sad that P3 gave me. Fighting the urge to start a NG+ already. 80+ hours, 9.5/10

Agradezco tanto al Persona 5 Royal por haberme introducido a esta saga. Había leído cosas del Persona 4 pero que querréis que os diga a mí este juego me ha ganado desde el minuto 1. No sé cómo expresar lo que me ha hecho sentir, es como un cálido abrazo, un grupo tan unido, una amistad en un pequeño pueblo... Lo he jugado en un momento en el que estaba estresada por la universidad y me ha ayudado mucho. Me han encantado sus social links y su cast.
Además he amado levear aquí, me han encantado las mazmorras.
Lo recomiendo muchísimo:')♥

Everyday is great at your Junes

worst persona game
just finished kanji's castle or whatever they call it here
that was gay af
jokes aside i would recommend playing persona 3 reload or 5 before playing this

Has an absolutely killer ost, the characters are great, the small town is a vibe and I love the murder mystery that serves as the story catalyst. Honestly the best RPG I've ever played besides SMT IV.

It's just better than the original, I honestly don't know what else to say.

this is one of the greatest games ever when yosuke doesn't open his mouth

- Another Persona SMT game with its persona building mechanics.
- The plot is alright but the writing can be painful to witness sometimes, with some of the characters just either being dull or hard to watch.
- The dungeons has some verity making it interesting to go to a new area.
- The inbetween sections can either be too long or too short, making the pacing sometimes feel off-kilter.

Es como que simultaneamente tengo un monton de cosas para decir y nada para decir al mismo tiempo. Es un juego demasiado largo como para condensar mis pensamientos acá, en general me gustó y me divirtió mucho ademas de tenerme totalmente adicto. No se bien que decir, sinceramente, necesito mas tiempo para ir sentando mis pensamientos. No me voló la cabeza como a tantos. Toca temas interesantes y los personajes tienen un buen desarrollo pero por momentos siento que se repite un poco, y que los temas no se desarrollan con la profunidad suficiente. Como que los introducen y se habla un poco pero no se entra en profundidad en nada. Tiene muchísimo sexismo y homofobia, both por ser producto de su época y además ser japonés y la verdad me molestó bastante. Tiene mucho de la típica anime trope de personajes rapey y adultos pedófilos y una banda de pajereada y "fan service". Las decisiones no se sienten importantes. Por ejemplo romanticé a Yukiko, y salvo las escenas que estaban específicamente diseñadas para cuando romantizas a un personaje, no se sentía como si fuera la novia del MC ni nada por el estilo en ningún momento, no cambiaba nada su interacción con vos ni con el resto de la party... Esta bien que igual quizás Baldur's Gate me tiene malacostumbrado. Fuera de eso la historia está muy buena, sinceramente. Toda la temática de face oneself y encontrarse a uno mismo la verdad que está piola y además va mucho con el hecho de que sean todos High schoolers. Tener que decidir como pasar tu tiempo también está muy bueno y hace a un gameplay loop adictivo. Me ha pasado un montón de veces de estar jugando y tener que irme y decir "bueno un día mas" o "bueno juego hasta X día" y no poder soltar el jueguito. Las dungeons si son medio repetitivas y llega un punto en el que pelear con las lesser shadows es tedioso (pero nunca aburrido!) y algunos bosses dejan un poco que desear, pero aún así el sistema de combate me encanta y me divierte mucho, se siente muy táctico (aunque un toque fácil si vas con el level relativamente al día) y algunos bosses me pusieron a pensar bastante y a desarrollar ciertas estrategias que fueron divertidas para pensar. Onda en cierto punto el combate se siente medio como un puzzle, y está piola. Una paja que a veces sea un poco grindy, pero el gameplay es lo suficiente divertido como para que no moleste. En general me gustó mucho (cualquier juego que te mantenga jugando por 60 horas tiene que gustarte)

Just about everything they added to this game has a monkeys paw effect that makes other aspects worse.
Want a social link for your main villain? We'll spoil the twist during it.
Want a more engaging dungeon experience? We'll trivialize the difficulty of the original to achieve it.
Want an extra dungeon? We'll make a new character to drag out the already uninteresting God plot to do it.
These complaints are overblown but it leaves the game feeling a little worse off for it. At the end of the day its still P4 and an amazing base to work off of. Also everything about the new Chie VA is just terrible.

Life changing doesn't even start to describe my experience with this game. The characters are SO good, the soundtrack is persona, what can I say, the gameplay is.. meh, the weakest out of the modern persona games, for some reason I prefer Tartarus over this, idk lmao
Seriously, this game is just fun. It has sad moments but also, it makes you feel good (unlike Persona 3...).
Naoto is peak character.

Kanji tatsumi, thats it thats the tweet.

No the start date isn't wrong, that's how fucking long it took me to finish it.

I've already talked about my many problems with this game's writing, but to put it shortly, while the majority of choice scenes could be called 'poorly aged moments from 2008', I would argue many of them where outdated before the game even came out.

Otherwise, it's a Persona game. Yeah it's my least favourite so far, but it's still incredible, so I can't really fault it that much

anytime the dungeons got me down the battle music brought me back up 😎 if nobody got me i know shihoko hirata got me can i get an amen

This game seems quite quaint in a post-Persona 5 world but it's still a banger of a JRPG and it's still got a killer cast, a great story, and a world heavyweight champion soundtrack.

"If I play a game you like, will you play a game I like?" - Ethan, or me, I don't fucking remember anymore.

It was this sentence that sent me on a two year long obsession with these games and its surrounding universe. Ethan played Okami, I played Persona 4 Golden.

Despite its obviously dated aesthetics, I didn't take it any less seriously than when I played P3R two years in the future. The game itself is presented in a characteristic mid-2000s light, especially weighted its character design and outfits, environment, and dialogue. When I first heard "Heartbeat, Heartbreak," my spine began to recoil a little bit, I will admit. I gave Ethan a game with a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack that's reminiscent of traditional Japanese historical music and he gives me this seemingly annoying pop/electronica theme? Seemed like a scam to me. I even asked Gavin if I was going to be hearing this song often, and I was very much disappointed in the response I heard back.

Oh, do I ever so proudly stand corrected.

Not only did I fall in love with the song, catching myself humming its melodies even away from the computer, I fell in love with the entire soundtrack. Every song was a banger, and every song on every future Persona installment continued to appeal to my ear.

I knew nothing of this game's story going into it, so I kept a very open mind. If there's one failsafe genre to get me to stay hooked in a piece of media, it's murder mystery. Twin Peaks, Dark, Sherlock Holmes, all these shows helped foster my love for the genre, and I was pleasantly surprised with what was presented to me.

What I ended up getting from the story was not just satisfaction that I had finally finished a game for the first time in many years, especially a 60-hour-long one, it was also the connection that I formed with characters in it. Although there were some truly annoying characters (ahem, yosuke), I truly, from start to finish, rooted for their victory. I cried at their losses, and my blood pressure rose at their every epiphany.

Never has a game hooked me as much as Persona 4 Golden. Or maybe I should just play more games. :)

my friend suggested this game to me, I wasn't too sure about it because it was something I had never played before, but after nearly two months, this is one of my personal favourites

Some aspects of it are a little dated (game came out in 2008 so not all that surprising) and the Golden semester is not very good. The main game though, is one of the greatest JRPGs I've ever played with an enthralling mystery, awesome characters and my introduction to the classic SMT/Persona combat formula that is still one of my favorites in the genre