Reviews from

in the past

Satisfying gameplay once you get good items. Challenging and fun

One of my favorite games ever, very well designed and has amazing music. The game that introduced me to the idea of rogue-lites. Still play it every once in awhile, still trying to get every achievement.

Very fun game with a lot of replayability not to mention mods are a blast with friends

I seriously need to play this game again, the music in this game is just phenomenal

after 2 hours the run starts getting serious

No soy capaz de ganar una puta partida y llevo 52h pero esta to guapo

It's cool that it translates the first games gameplay into a 3d space. All of the environments are quite pretty, and it feels good to play at it's core. I just feel like most of my deaths weren't fair, for whatever reasons.

I have never beaten this game on Monsoon, I was planning to carry this to the grave, I have to come clean. I'm not a real gamer.

Dificil, mas super divertido. Principalmente com mods e amigos


Jogo extremamente viciante, ainda mais jogando com algum amigo, eu ate agora só tenho o jogo base mas ja liberei todos personagens, futuramente comprarei a dlc tb

Infinitely repayable on its own, double infinitely repayable with mods (also looking forward to 2nd part of the DLC)

mon roguelike favori avec isaac super fun replayablité ok mais les mods mon dieu ptn je peux jouer goku merde

30 min de run vc ta andando que nem a porra do mercador do re4 cheio de treco e cacareco grudado em tu dando 15 zilhao de dano

Having the confidence in your game to let players stack items infinitely should be applauded

Great game
I personally did not enjoy however but definitely a good buy if you like rogue likes

Je poste cette review dans la même heure ou j'ai réussi pour la première fois à finir une run (ENFIN) en 32h de jeu, et franchement j'adore ce jeu, que ce soit de par sa direction artistique, ses MUSIQUES vraiment entre The rain formerly known as purple et Con lentitud poderosa vraiment des musiques incroyables, son gameplay qui passe du tout au tout entre tous les persos plus différents les uns que les autres, et qui sont tous un minimum plaisant à jouer même si pour l'instant j'ai du mal avec les deux corps à corps (Mercenary et Loader) Captain que j'ai pas encore essayé et Rex pas débloqué mais j'aime tous les autres et ça permet à chaque game déjà différente de par ses items et niveaux aléatoires d'en plus avoir un gameplay différent, qui permet une rejouabilité trop satisfaisante, et je pense clairement que je vais foncer sur le DLC dans peu de temps, sans hésiter. Si vous aimez les Rogue-like, vous devriez vraiment essayer ce bijou voilà.

Um dos melhores rogue likes que já joguei e como eu amo esse gênero. Risk of Rain 2 é incrível, e possui uma das melhores trilha sonora que já ouvi.

i've barely played this but i know its good im giving it its flowers

This is easily one of the best roguelikes ever made. Such a great experience even with what little time I've spent in the game. The multiplayer on top of it just makes it that much more fun.

Why are there no umbrellas bwahahah jajajaja

tenho so 4 horas e tou viciado

I want this game to impregnate me and let me birth its kids