Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyable time, very gorgeous game. Movement is super fun. Liked this game a lot, decent length for what it was doing.

A neat game that marries a lot of bangers to create something special of its own. Didn't really hit for me!
Definitely recommend playing on a lower difficulty, the higher levels cause the movement to really show its blemishes.

"The truth is a heavy burden, but we can carry it together"

The platforming and game-play itself is really good! It didn't need the added combat! Having multiple enemy types yet only one attack move isn't that fun to do and ends up being a little tedious! The platforming was super fun and seamless to do though so that's good! The bosses were also awesome!! Like really really cool! The story I did not care for though.

Very nice mix of Outer Wilds / SotC / Gravity Rush. Really fun gameplay, cool visuals.

This review contains spoilers

De los creadores de Hyper Light Drifter llega este juego que combina el movimiento rápido y preciso de los juegos 3D de Sonic y las batallas con seres gigantes de Shadow of the Colossus.

Este es de los juegos más agradables que he jugado en cuanto a ritmo y movimiento, ya que da gusto explorar los escenarios, encontrar secretos y disfrutar de las vistas. Artísticamente es muy bello, con uso de colores fuertes que le dan un toque psicodélico al mundo. La música es notable, difícil de describir pero es de lo mejor que hay. Tiene secciones de combate que están bien distribuidos y no son difíciles, pero el punto fuerte son los jefes o "anomalías masivas", los cuales son verdaderos espectáculos visuales y sonoros. La historia es similar a Shadow of the Colossus pero se cuenta de forma menos sutil y a través de bastante texto, lo que corresponde al punto más débil de este juego pero no es malo.

Sin duda es un gran juego y lo recomiendo totalmente, sobre todo si buscas algo rápido, con buen gameplay y con harto estilo.

throws you into a promising, beautiful world with a mysterious atmosphere... but the initial interest wears off quick as you realize how haphazardly a lot of elements are thrown together: pick-ups that only serve a shield-refreshing purpose in a game where death is swift but inconsequential. platforming challenges that fluctuate between very simple to difficulty through jankiness. arduous narrative exposition. -- all a bit of a letdown coming from the people who made something as uncompromising and self-assured as hyper light drifter.

I am heart machine's strongest soldier

It's fun and has a pretty art style. The gameplay is really smooth and feels a bit like adventure era sonic. The bosses were the highlight for me but the ending kinda sucked. I... skipped the story because it seemed boring/maybe an afterthought but don't take my word for it lol.

Oh yeah and it's really short. I'm really not one to say a game's price should scale with play time but... Let's just say I'm glad I played this on Game Pass.

Esto se ve absolutamente precioso. No puedo esperar a jugarlo.

Lo juega

Podemos echar de menos un lugar que ya no existe, y también a aquellos que ya no están, pero la vida sigue. Podemos conectar con otros, encontrar un hogar. Siempre tenemos la oportunidad de aceptar el dolor, la oportunidad de empezar algo nuevo.

the movement mechanics are impeccable, that's for sure, sliding, jumping and flying around is super fun, relaxing and fluid, and this is also due to the immaculate level design that is also present, wonderful

speaking of the gameplay, the bosses are extremely inspired by shadow of the colossus, one of my favorite games, and it even manages to transform its main mechanics into something specific to the game that blends in with the rest while being fun.

the game is also visually excellent, with unique and vivid boss and character designs

but the praise stops there

the story is mediocre at best, being ridiculously poorly told with slow and pointless dialogues, not to mention being very obvious, bland and conveying the message of mourning in a terrible way. this also includes the stories of the npcs, but they manage to be much better than the main one (even if they connect very poorly with the latter)

the main character is an insufferable, dumb pain in the ass, who only becomes a decent person in the good ending, which is the only possible ending for the game, since the bad one is extremely counter-intuitive and poorly done

the combat is simple and ok, but it's too easy and feels more like a hindrance to the game than something to add to the experience

and the soundtrack is decent at best, unremarkable and completely agreeable

it's a game that you'll have a lot of fun playing and you'll be fine relaxing, but it has obvious flaws.

A visually arresting action title inspired by the likes of Super Mario Galaxy, Gravity Rush, and Shadow of the Colossus. Kinetic and silky-smooth action is combined with sublime character movement to create an amazing sci-fi adventure.

Full Review:

I thought it was enjoyable. My only gripe was the fact that the collectibles had no indication as to where they were using the in-game scan or map. Outside of that, it was a fun little game. Price is too high, but if you wait for a sale it doesn't hurt to pick up.

A primeira coisa que me chamou atenção em Solar Ash foram seus visuais. O jogo é lindo! A gameplay é gostosa demais porém muito repetitiva. Ainda bem que o jogo é curto: mais ou menos 6h se você não se perder muito nem tiver dificuldade com algum chefe. Falando em chefes, o game é MUITO inspirado em Shadow of the Colossus...Ao longo do game precisamos eliminar certas criaturas gigantes para cumprir nosso objetivo e fazemos isso simplesmente escalando eles e destruindo núcleos que eles tem pelo corpo. Quem é fã do clássico de PS2 deve gostar bastante do game.
A história do game é sobre Rei, uma Voidrunner que está dentro do Ultravoid (um buraco negro) tentando ativar Starseed, um dispositivo para destruir buracos negros e evitar que o seu planeta seja engolido por ele. Conforme avançamos pelo jogo, temos histórias secundárias de personagens que já estão no ultravoid a algum tempo. Essas histórias são contadas através de coletáveis, inclusive, alguns desses personagens são Voidrunners como a Rei e ao coletar todos relatos do personagem, ganhamos armaduras novas com novas habilidades. O “problema” é que realmente não precisamos dos upgrades, se você não pegar nenhuma armadura nova, não terá problemas para zerar o game (vai ficar um pouco mais difícil mas nada demais). Apesar da recompensa, não me senti incentivado a explorar o mundo do game para ir atrás desses coletáveis (tanto dos que me dão upgrades quanto os que só contam a história dos personagens que encontramos). Mais pro final do game, tem uma reviravolta realmente boa que me deixou satisfeito em jogar o game até o fim. Vale a pena!
Agora, se tem algo chato no jogo, é quando morremos. Ao dar respawn, o jogo te deixa com 1 de vida, nos obrigando a ir atrás de itens de curas antes de prosseguir com o desafio. Isso é muito chato, várias vezes tive que parar pra ir atrás de curas e no processo acabar morrendo e voltando a estaca zero. Chato demais!
Quanto a bugs só presenciei uma vez durante uma boss fight em que não aparecia o botão pra acertar o golpe. De início achei que o problema era eu, quando me rendi ao youtube, percebi que era bug. Reiniciei o game e voltou ao normal.

patinando na poeira espacial e matando uns bicho muito foda

E se Sonic Frontiers e Shadow of the Colossus tivessem um filho? Seria esse jogo!
Isso aqui é extremamente "VIDEO GAMES". Cheio de crocância e suculência.
A gameplay é deliciosa em geral, mas bosses são o ouro do jogo, muito bom!

Looks cool, sounds great, and the platforming I found to be a lot more fun that HLD's gameplay

But man the heart machine storytelling/pacing, dont know if itll ever win me over

Solar Ash is a fun mix between Tony Hawk and Shadow of the Colossus with very nice visuals and world design. It carries a bit of jank and has a steep price point but overall is worth your time.

Vai se fuder Annapurna, os cara são simplesmente VICIADOS em acertar, eu amei esse jogo, jogabilidade simples mas muito funcional e boa, tipo tão boa que até quando eu perco totalmente a noção do que tá acontecendo na tela eu continuo jogando certo do tão funcional que isso é, uma história maravilhosa contada de uma maneira ainda melhor com uma mensagem extremamente importante, eu genuinamente estou encantado com o que foi feito aqui, parabéns a Heart Machine por me entregar essa obra de arte.

Starting to think Hyper Light Drifter's lack of dialogue was more than just an artistic choice, think I would've enjoyed this more if no one spoke.

A game about grief, coping, moving on, and getting sick air.
I wasn't super invested in the game until I unlocked the suit that drastically reduces your boost cooldown and I was able to effectively bullet jump around everywhere. Rail grinding also makes everything better. If I had to nitpick I think this game might have been better in places without voice acting, but the delivery at the very end was worth it.

Just finished the game, and by finished, I hunted for every achievement the game had. Yes, I do need to touch grass.

The movement is nice, although it will usually boil down to whether you can find the so-called flow when playing the game. Combat is serviceable, and by that, I mean spam the attack button whenever there are enemies near by, so it won't be the reason to play the game. And without spoilers, the story is surprisingly captivating. Overall, a good game and severely underrated!

As neat as the visuals are and as slick as the movement was the jank was abundant and the characters never shut up leaving me with nothing else in the game for me to be interested in except for the connect the dots platforming boss fights.

Muito gostoso de jogar. Muito bonito e ver e fácil de entender.

Visually interesting environments and boss designs (Evangelionesque). Gameplay wise, the central mechanic, movement and speed are by a long shot the best it has to offer but the enemies get in the way of that and are more of an annoyance than anything else (they either die in one shot or combo you non stop). I like the idea of starting with a full moveset but of course that takes away from a sense of character progression. The fragmented terrain creates dynamic visuals and gameplay but it can be a bit janky at times.

Crazy visuals, awesome movement, mind-blowing level design, cool ending, also it had a story i guess
Really wanna try speedrunning this, can't overstate how smooth the movement is, this is truly the schmovement game
also i thought this game came out in 2023, maybe they just spent way more on marketing for the switch release than the original release in 2021? idk but I definitely heard more about it this year personally

I started this game thinking it was a nice looking skating game to play while listening to some podcast. I ended up way deep into its world and story. Such a good ending message, loved it.

Jogo incrivel com uma gameplay divertida e rapida de certa forma. Poucas horas de game mas divertido pra prr

Critical: 7.5/10
Speed platforming at a colossal scale. Though not as challenging or action-packed as Hyper Light Drifter, and certainly a different beast in how its story and mysteries are told, there's a sense of wonderment, mysticism with its beautiful world, shifting Heart Machine's motifs and visual styles into 3D.

Personal: 7/10