Reviews from

in the past

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One of the better Star Wars media.
I was satisfied with the story and the loss/trauma line they went with, especially how few punches they pulled when showing the cruelty of the empire. I like that they chose to destroy the holocron in the end and makes me respect Cal’s character more that I thought I would. Not an amazing story but better than I expected.
The design elements are on par with other Star Wars media. I personally really enjoy Dathomir because of my time with The Clone Wars, but the new planets have their own unique character to them. Wish there was a bit more variety in the fauna. Most of the empire’s enemies did not originate in this game, but the different types of purge troopers fought later in the game were cool and challenging. I also gotta give a massive bonus for the Mantis, the ship you use. Actually one of my favorite ships in the franchise and exclusive to this game.
I played on Jedi Master and found the combat sufficiently challenging. Some combat areas took a couple tries and each boss took at least a few to get their attacks down. Satisfying to gradually improve your skill with the combat system over the course of the game.
The exploration was an element I wasn’t sure I was going to like at first, and while I enjoyed exploring the maps throughout the game, I never felt like I needed or wanted to go back, especially when the main story makes you travel to most of them multiple times anyway. Could have used a better incentive to loot more, the plants being the main appeal for me.
I took some issue with the facial animations. I can’t quite place it, but many characters looked like they forgot to display an emotion or something, most notably Cere and Cal.
Twice I got stuck and had to restart the game, a situation where I or an enemy would get clipped partially into the wall and not let me proceed until all the enemies are killed. Malicos’s boss arena has a rim that you can slide up onto but have to jump off of. There were other occasional weird collision/ground issues but that arena was the most severe.

No shame I played this game on easy. I wasn't too fond of souls like games in the past and this one got on my nerves fast. I appreciated the story the game was telling and even on the easiest difficulty the game was still fun with the different force mechanics and combat.

Easily the best Star Wars game on the market today, with plenty of incredible moments where you feel yourself improve from a measly Padawan, to a force to be reckoned with Jedi. Absolutely NameBrand.

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The game makes you feel like a Jedi, being hunter by the empire like we saw in Rebels and the game is set a couple of years after Order 66 and the story is great. Also, the combat system is a bit confusing, but you will learn it later