Reviews from

in the past

A real shame. Terraria in space could be awesome but Starbound just doesn't cut it.
It's a sandbox, but you have to follow a (bad) storyline every single save?
Why can't I build my own spaceship? Weapons feel bad. Enemies lag, even in singleplayer. Boring bosses.
Although there are mods that expand/improve the game significantly.

checking the dev blog every day to see if it had a release date only for it to be bad.... cataclysmic

terraria but a bit not as good

great game, just needs to be modded to be enjoyed to its fullest

Endless fun in a random and weird galaxy. Seemingly unlimited items to collect, use, consume Etc.. Cool story, simple to follow. Intuitive combat, tons of different weapons to use. Allows you to customize your own mechs, space ship and space stations. 292 Hours and I still haven't gotten all the achievements

This is 10000% better than Terraria, the game guides you, it looks fantastic and is actually fun with all of its mechanics and open world exploration. I wish Chucklefish had supported this game more

idc what anyone says i love this game

the exploration gets boring very quickly

I don't know what possessed me to play this for 92 hours in a few weeks i don't remember a single second of that time other than mildly engaged

Terraria no espaço (é legal até)

Picked this up for that one mod. You know the one.

Don't remember much because I played it when I was really young. Remember I farmed a lot and have somewhat fond memories of the game.

TLDR: Cute game with a lot of charm but after 14h I just dont feel like playing any longer

Starbound is what popped up after I searched for games like Terraria and it is easy to see why: it clearly takes a lot of inspiration from it while also adding its own scifi and space travel twist. Landing on your first planet is fascinating and all the little clues and "dungeons" you can find are fun to explore. Ive spent hours just traversing the underground, mining ores and collecting weapons and upgrade modules from chests. Progression is handled well and feels very natural at first with a few quirks that remain unexplained which youll just need to figure out yourself.
Up until this point I really loved the game and upon first visit of the Ark youll realize how much love and passion has been poured into the game and how much detail went into the visuals looking very charming and cute. But sadly its just downhill after here. The main storyline sounds interesting and has massive potential but its wasted once you figure out its just bland fetch quests. Youll be sent to planet A to scan some random objects, travel to planet B to scan some more random objects, then return to the Ark to complete the quest. And then the cycle starts again with the occasional combat mission inbetween which get stale very quickly as well.
Apart from the story itself exploring other planets, the core mechanic of the game, is simply not fun. All planets look and feel pretty much the same: empty and isolated. Not the exciting kind of feeling isolated in space that games like The Outer Wilds created but the one that makes you dread going to other planets whatsoever. Progression also doesnt feel the same after reaching the Ark. Mining will not be necessary anymore since youll be able to just buy whatever you need by selling some of the spare weapons that you dont have a use for anymore. Upgrades, weapons, armor, food and technology can also be bought very early game and being handed all these items basically for free takes the fun out of the progression and made me loose all interest in playing any further.
I obviously havent spent enough time playing to complete the game and explore every aspect of it but after 14 hours of playtime I just dont feel like playing any more and its telling of the game. Starbound is beautiful game with lots of love poured into it but the linear story is a deal breaker for me.

I followed this game through early access to 1.0 and loved every second. Much more fun when you play co-op, but still an engaging, rich and deep story.

Retried this game with some mods, because I had the classic bi-yearly Starbound itch.
Unfortunately this game isn't what I want it to be.
The game doesn't run very well, and it's worse with mods. The dedicated big mod, Fracking Universe, even has a wiki page about it, simply stating that you can't really improve the performance because of how the game was made.
Even in modded, I didn't feel like the progression was very meaningful and a lot of the options in this game feel bloated. I can just survive on 1 specific food and bringing a big stack of that, I can use 1 weapon to kill everything until I get a new weapon, etc.
Inventory management and storage is an absolute hell in this game, though mods can alleviate it.
I really want to like this game, because it has most of the elements I want, but with so many annoyances and inconsistencies, I can't help but feel discouraged whenever I try and boot this up.

she chuckle on my fish til i starbound

very fun with friends, progression makes a lot of sense. not much to assist the player to get into the late game

The better Terraria. Just so much cooler and interesting imo. It's the difference between a steakhouse and the Cheesecake factory (Starbound is the steakhouse).

This is like terraria if it was made by interns

played this since the beta release. i remember the chucklefish drama, and all of the things that came along with it.
this game is unmemorable. it's not special. you feel aimless a lot of the time. it's 2016's pixel version of starfield, essentially. they had so much to work with and yet they failed to do anything with it. i oh so want to feel bad for the developers but they really just... missed. hard.

I went in expecting a more expansive terraria and while I did receive that I didn't realise that that's all it is. there's a story although a little lack luster and the scaling of enemies is a bit abysmall

This could have been as good as Terraria if they did some stuff a bit better. There is a lot here that is REALLY good and in my opinion better than Terraria but the comparisons will never end and this game couldn't pull its punches in the end.

You can make absurdly cool mechs in this game and I still couldn't like it.

Mon premier vrai gros jeux pc de l'époque en dehors de minecraft merci à fanta et bob pour la découverte de cette pépite que j'ai saigné a l'époque !

--- Guidance
++ Art style
++ Concept
++ Atmosphere

[Completed this game years ago, but backlogging it for later to attempt some of the huge mods.]
This game took a lot of inspiration from Terraria, and mostly failed to deliver. The progression and combat are much less interesting, and the game feels way more simplistic and boring.
I also remember being able to skip mining altogether. Simply travelling to planets and looting all the chests I saw usually gave me all the weapons, armour and materials needed to progress to the next tier of planets, and repeat this cycle over. Which sucks!
Story was shoehorned in and was pretty underwhelming. This game does better without one.
I also remember having inconsistent framerate, which I thought was my own shitty PC back then, but when reading other reviews here, it seems like the game wasn't very well optimised.
However, the are some aspects of this game I actually really love. Building in this game felt amazing, I loved exploring new planets, I loved exploring dungeons and taking home cool stuff to bring home, I loved being able to rescue NPCs and have them be your friends at your own place. Farming and cooking was a lot of fun too, I quite liked it.
This game beats Terraria in the 'chill gameplay', and exploration is pretty fun for the first dozen hours, but afterwards the cracks really start to show.
This game has mostly downsides compared to terraria, but I occasionally feel the itch to try this game again. However, I usually default back to Terraria.
I'm definitely interested in trying this game modded - hopefully it adds the depth and progression I felt was lacking!

It's sad that when you're recommended this game, you are required to download mods to make the game not only more enjoyable, but fundamentally playable. But, i can see why cause this base game is horrendous, with point A to point B fetch quests, poor performance and while the lore is a plus to keep you hooked its not that fleshed out overall. Gameplay is also jank beyond belief and is on par on the snooze scale as base Terraria is, requiring an alarm set every 30 mins or so to keep you from passing out. Now im sure if I got 25-40 mods installed and rearranged Starbound so it became a totally different game, ya it be more fun but that really speaks volumes for the state of this game currently