Reviews from

in the past

Nothing notable from this game, but it was fun.

Weird, clunky stealth game, it's not worth it for more than 10minutes

A stealth adventure that makes you wanna rush to the end after hitting that 50-60% mark. Characters, while interesting, were boringly played out, but the overall story was fine.

Nonsensical level design that relies on objective markers and doesn't make any logical sense, and a shadow system where the graphics don't match the binary mechanics.

Over the course of 7 years I've tried this game again and again, this time I got further than I ever did before, I was committed to finishing the game and then the game completely destroys the pacing and I shut it off.

Great Story for a kinda underrated game.

A great stealth game with different options and tense atmosphere ( in a good way)

افتكر اني لعبتها ببلاش تبع البلس والحمد لله انها كانت ببلاش

Eu cheguei literalmente na ultima parte do jogo, era só aquilo e zerar, e dai rolou um bug no qual eu fui impedido de zerar o jogo. E como era auto-save, não tinha oq fazer. Não tinha um ponto de retorno. Eu teria q zerar tudo dnv...

Esse tipo de coisa eu n aceito n :l

Tirando isso, o jogo é ruim. Se eu tivesse zerado teria dado 2 estrelas.