Reviews from

in the past

scared so bad i turned off my console

Go into it blind. Everything about this game is beautiful and brilliant. I'm still in awe of how well this game doesn't force any specific playstyle on you, but still rewards you appropriately and keeps pace with you as you get more immersed.

Ainda vou zerar! Adoro tudo neste jogo!

Couldn't dive for 5 minutes without being frightened (that's how I discovered my talassophobia😃👍)

Mostly a fun game with good exploration and crafting, but it wore out its welcome a bit for me once the mystery was unraveled. Still recommended to people who like mostly chill games. I say mostly chill because it's not a very scary game... usually. It'll get you good every once in awhile.

Monumental game for me! The sound is some of the best I’ve experienced in a game, everything from the music to the ambient and mob sounds, truly some of the best. Mechanics are very well made too: balanced, instinctual, and lacking of gimmicks.

Eu desisti depois de um tempo porque tudo parece sempre muito longe, muito difícil e muito específico. Mas a ambientação é boa e molhadinha.

Subnautica é um jogo de sobrevivência muito bom, a progressão é muito boa e praticamente nada o jogo te joga na cara, a maioria das coisas são a intuição e curiosidade que vai te fazer progredir
O ambiente é EXTREMAMENTE bom o cenário e fauna é excepcional, consegue transmitir exatamente o que propõe, sendo um ambiente mais acolhedor (como o ambiente inicial do jogo) ou algo mais assustador e ameaçador, algo simples que transmite todo o medo e ameaça eminente é a dead zone, que simplesmente é assustadora...
A fauna do jogo é muito boa também, todos os animais são diferentes e com comportamentos diferentes, sendo os que mais se destacam os leviathans, criaturas abissais cujo intuito é amedrontar ou surpreender o jogador
A gameplay é muito boa, tendo uma progressão suave e tranquila, onde o foco na maioria da vezes é apenas se defender dos animais
A história é bem morna até, mas ela tem suas qualidades, nada perfeito assim, mas na reta final eu sinto a história pegando bem mais firme e sendo incrível
E o maior defeito de Subnautica, e um defeito muito crítico é a extrema má otimização, pelo menos no PlayStation 4 foi MUITO frustante, quando você começa a criar sua base pior ficava a otimização cada vez tendo mais e mais problemas, sendo talvez algo "fácil" de se resolver com patchs eles não resolveram, algo que me decepciona muito nessa obra prima

The creative freedom was great but like please stop with this music its so scary.

Enjoyers of
-deep sea ambience
-alien and weird fauna
-immersive gradual exploration of environments
-COLORS! vibrant, rich atmospheres, each with a distinct feel

You will love this game for the same reasons I did. As a guy who goes crazy over fictional behemoth-sized creatures, deep-sea creatures and horror, and colorful, mystical animals, this game checked all the marks. The survival, building, inventory management is fun too but it's supplementary to the genuine feeling of exploring an alien world with fascinating wildlife.

And the alien world isn't always friendly to human life. So make vehicles, but get resources first(another check if you like resource-gathering games). Make sure you have enough food and hydration too. Don't run out of oxygen either. You can take on some fish with a knife but don't stand a chance against others. All this makes for a absolute hitter of 'discover alien world' game where you are literally plopped into the ocean to start to exploring. The ocean here really does feel real, and each species fits the environment. There are a lot of memorable moments and specific animals that you will be bewildered by.

Play it. Preferably in the dark for the colors to pop out.

I'm surprised by the lower ratings. This is an all time great survival-horror title. Don't wiki it at all. Play the game and you'll love the exploration.

I don't like survivals and I have thalassophobia so this game feels like a direct attack to me

Really love the sense of exploration in this one. The underwater is both terrifying and exciting. Wish there was a little more hints in the right direction, but overall was pretty seamless. Really loved learning more about the world and what had happened. Very similar vibes to Outer Wilds for me, just more of a survival aspect.

Love it although I shit myself Everytime the reapers come

Bonzinho, mas é um pecado não ter multiplayer, sozinho o jogo enjoa muito rápido, uma pena...

It doesn't matter how many times I replay it a reaper leviathan will never stop inducing me fear, even when I know he's going to appear

Quando meu cú não fechar mais com as profundezas do mar eu volto pra zerar.

very good game one of the few horror games that actually gets me horrified to play.

This is what snorkeling feels like as a kid.

Resource grind + early navigation before a lot of upgrades are gotten was a bit rough, and I will confess I was a little spooked out and struggled, but man does this game become a satisfying experience once you really get into the flow of it. By the end of the game, big expeditions and explorations into the deep in your sub are rewarding beyond what you get in most other games. Only wish the base building was a bit more developed.

Você cai em um planeta totalmente desconhecido e não importe para onde você olhe, você só enxerga água, como sobreviver em um lugar assim, com uma fauna desconhecida e potencialmente perigosa? Mais fundo você vai nesse oceano imenso, mais estranhezas encontra.

Gosto muito da evolução desse jogo, os crafts que te ajudam a ir mais longe no game, te permitindo conhecer coisas novas e tirar suas dúvidas de como você vai sair desse planeta mesmo sua nave mãe [b]Aurora[/b] tenha sido destruída.

Não tenho o que reclamar de Subnautica, se você tem medo do oceano, bem..., sinto muito em te dizer mas aqui o realismo é absurdo, a água aqui é lotada de seres, deixando o ambiente mais próximo do real, e bem, sempre tem bichos mais medonhos que os outros, como o traumático Leviathan.

Por um momento me questionei se tenho talassofobia.

The seamoth is probably my favourite flight controls in any game ever.

Maybe the most organic exploration game I've ever played. I didn't even find out about the copious amount of radio signals/waypoints until the very end of the game, and I was pretty disappointed when I found out that you needed to do those in order to properly finish the story. It feels like the game was designed around having absolutely zero waypoints (self-made ones notwithstanding) and uses excellent map design and nonverbal storytelling to guide you towards the next objective or points of interest. This is done by several really well planned methods, such as new unlocks like depth upgrades for your vehicles prompting you to use them to reach deeper parts of established caves, keys that are used to unlock areas from different story areas, and enemy types/ attributes and light levels forcing you to approach areas the 'recommended' way. The only thing I came away wanting from Subnautica was more of a reason to spend significant amounts of time building a base, but I'm not really sure that was ever the intention, and I may have just got caught up in it based on my own gaming preferences. Overall a fantastic experience that holds your hand a lot less than I was expecting.

he desarrollado más talasofobia de la que pensaba