Reviews from

in the past

I have a gun I feel powerful
5 seconds later

Linear and basic, but pretty enjoyable thanks to pacing and atmosphere. Points for above average stealth bosses and making a stealth DLC for an action game, no points for the action stuff towards the end.

The Consequence is much better than The Assignment. It still leans heavily on stealth gameplay, but mixes things up with some limited combat sections. It also does more with the story in Evil Within and makes a few of the things in the base game (perhaps unnecessarily) more clear.

Kidman's trip through the Evil Within is much better for her new access to weapons in this DLC. It is very limited in terms of options (only a handgun and a single shot shotgun) and ammo and access to weaponry feels more deliberate and calculated. This restraint combined with the extremely punishing stealth mechanics mean you really feel every bullet you fire.
The combat isn't quite as successful as in the base game, and a few very frustrating stealth sections remain, but overall the game is fun to play through.

The events in The Consequence do a lot more to explain clearly what is going on in The Evil Within. Many things that are only hinted at or spoken about obliquely during Sebatian's gameplay are outright confirmed, which does feel a bit better in terms of the in-game character's motivations.
Like in The Assignment, Kidman experiences similar events to Seb, but with wildly different context and connective tissue. Tango Gameworks tries to use STEM to explain this, but it reads as contrived retcon to me, rather than revelation.

The Consequence is good enough if you want to get the full Evil Within experience, and it definitely can help expand your understanding of the (somewhat muddled) plot of the main game.