Reviews from

in the past

Played this on PlayStation 4. Who doesn't love The Last of Us? The story and characters are wonderful. I loved the relationship between Joel and Ellie and they are both bad asses. The conflict at the end was so interesting and got a lot of people debating and thinking. Everyone needs to experience this game!

the brick is everybody's best friend.

While this game was the start of the ‘Sony movie game’ scare of the mid 2010’s it has a genuinely engaging core gameplay loop that, while simplistic, shines through immensely on higher difficulties. This is the game that probably convinced your friend to have a kid.

Not what i would call a « good video game » because the only good things this game has done are also done by movies. The gameplay serves no narrative purpose whatsoever and playing the game or watching it doesn’t change a thing about your experience. Decent story, very good acting, bad storytelling.

Also the gameplay itself is ass

The Last of Us é uma ótima experiência, a história e os personagens tem um desenvolvimento e uma escrita espetacular e o final é um encerramento incrível e muito bom que se mostra diferente de vários outros jogos nesse tema de zumbi enquanto sua gameplay é bem feita e muito bem funcional

the only bad thing is it has lesbians

Eu duvido que vá existir algum jogo na qual eu devore dessa maneira
Foi uma experiência absurda, divertida, tensa e densa mas no final, tudo que sobra são os sentimentos que eu tenho pela obra

I have conflicting feelings on TLOU 1. On one hand, the gameplay, while being fun, can be really fucking annoying sometimes, causing me to waste almost an hour on some parts trying to find the solution to a problem. While some of this I will admit was me potentially not using ALL of my accessible resources with me, I still found it just really fucking annoying having to repeat sections that I found tough from annoying checkpoints with barely any resources in the hope that I might make it to the next if I do something slightly different. For the 13 hours it took me to beat this game, There was at least 4 hours of gameplay that I genuinely was just not enjoying in the game.

On the other hand however, the story is one of the best I've ever seen told in a video game, and is definitely this game's biggest strength. I really became connected to the journey of Ellie and Joel, and while I was spoiled on some major plot events (specifically relating to the beginning and ending of the game) I still found myself engaged throughout my playthrough in where their journey would go next. On top of this, while I'm not usually one who cares about it that much, this game looks incredible, and the graphical quality has aged so well I genuinely think it could have come out today and nobody would bat an eye.

I think it is a game that everyone should play once in their life, as it has some of the best acting and writing i've seen in a game, but the gameplay sections at times are definitely a bit rough around the edges, which holds it back for me as being one of my favorite games ever.

jogo sensacional, historia perfeita, ótimos gráficos e jogabilidade

The Last of Us is an exceptional narrative experience that blurs the line between film and game, with deep well written characters and unbelievable animation and voice acting and motion capture Sony delivers a first class masterpiece that is to this day the best written game in the medium.

Dos melhores jogos que já joguei

Apesar de nunca ter jogado a primeira versão de 'The Last Of Us' (2013) no PlayStation 3, joguei a versão remasterizada para PlayStation 4 do jogo, agora, duas vezes. A última vez foi no PlayStation 5, mas não tem diferença alguma, já que essa versão do jogo não foi adaptada.
O jogo apresenta diversas mecânicas interessantes que são introduzidas no combate, que tem até que uma dificuldade ok, eu me cagava com alguns "estaladores" hahaha
O modo história é sem palavras, Ellie e Joel formam uma baita dupla desde o início e evolui, o que passa de ser apenas a entrega de uma garota, vira uma relação de quase pai e filha, que te emociona, principalmente no final de jogo. 10/10, clássico.

it is a fine game but i would never come back to play this again

Absolute cinema, melhor jogo de todos os tempos sem dúvida!

Gosh, I loved this game so much. I played this over a weekend and don't regret a thing.

The Last of Us is an amazing game, and I can see why it's gotten all the praise it has. While it is definitely not a 10/10, or the "game of the century." It still is an experience worth your while.

From the weird beauty you can find in its post-apocalyptic world to the compelling story it presents, The Last of Us hooks you from the very start and takes you on an amazing journey. However, what stands out the most is Joel's and Elly's relationship. They start off as complete strangers, but end up as found family. A slightly overused trope, yes, but the way it is executed in TLOU makes it stand out from any other example.

Overall, this game was an amazing weekend experience. I don't regret the ungodly amount of hours I spent playing it, and I'll definitely be playing the second part.

The Last of Us is probably one of the best stories in a game I have ever played. If you do break down the story, it's really not ''unique'' or ''different'' to most zombie survival stories, but it's just told so well, that the story is amazing overall.

The game is also helped by it's characters, Joel and Ellie in this game have such a great chemistry, and work really good together, as they are almost polar opposites in this game.

I did play this game for the show based on it, because I wanted to experience the game through the actual game, instead of a TV adaptation, and I am glad I did, because there are many changes. I do prefer the game to the show, but the show is still really good.

It's just really good, and I do believe this is a game most people should play, because it just showcases great story, dialogue, and characters overall. Just a super great game, that is a genuine must play.

Overall: 9/10

the only reason I picked up a PS4 in the first place. this game made me pick up a console to play it. 5/5.

so unnecessary

not bad but unecessary

Finished playing TLOUR. The little intro at the start completely hooked me into the game. The story was great, definitely a good few scenes which hit hard and some of the side characters you meet along the way were cool as well. Theres definitely some things they could have improved on like during the winter arc it was a little boring, I would liked for Tommy to have a more prominent role and maybe a larger variety of infected. I didn’t mind the combat and the ending was actually quite nice as well, was even a little controversial. Altogether I definitely had a fun time and would have like the game to have been a little longer.

Next up – Shadow of the Collosus

Simplesmente o meu maior amor nos jogos, a experiência de jogar foi sensacional

Obwohl The Last of Us zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsspielen gehört und für mein 16-jähriges Ich absolut prägend war, kam es bei mir nie zu einem erneuten Anlauf. So hat es jetzt vier Jahre gebraucht, bis es zu diesem Replay kam. Aber mein Gott, war das eine nostalgische Erfahrung.

Damals war ich überwältigt und habe zum ersten Mal wirklich begriffen, wie gut Videospiele dazu in der Lage sind, Geschichten zu erzählen. Alles, was mich damals so begeisterte, begeistert mich heute noch genauso sehr. Anfangs dachte ich darüber nach, mir das Remake zu holen, war dann aber doch zu geizig. Und Ehrlich gesagt habe ich nun aber deutlich weniger Interesse an dem Remake, weil die Remastered Version von The Last of Us immer noch unfassbar schön aussieht.
Natürlich kommt es nicht an den verbesserten Realismus heran, aber der allgemeine Look gefällt mir hier tatsächlich besser. Lass es Nostalgie sein, aber die recht kontrastreichen Farben, das eigentlich zu unnatürlich wirkende Grün der Natur und wie das Licht auf die Bäume fällt, durch sie hindurchscheint und immer wieder einen Weg in die Ruinen der Gebäude findet... Die Post-Apokalypse sah selten schöner aus.

Ich werde dieses Spiel wohl bis an mein Lebensende abgrundtief lieben und wollte in Momenten wie der bei den Giraffen gern noch ewig verweilen, wahrscheinlich so sehr wie Ellie selbst.

I survived 10 years of spoilers, and God it worth it.