Reviews from

in the past

Great and interesting story, but very basic combat system.

Been a while, but I think I had significant progress in this game.

Underrated rpg of the Final Fantasy style of combat, but with timed attacks and combos to keep things engaging. Unlocking new attacks over time to keep it fresh, and interesting memorable characters.

this really hits me in the nostalgia

Not a fan of timed attacks, and these were some of the worst kind for me. Unlike Shadow Hearts, this game didn't keep me engaged beyond getting to Disc 2, so I might have to give it another go at some point and see if my opinion changes. It gets one free star for [GUST OF WIND DANCE!].

I dream of the day Sony remembers this game exists and does absolutely anything with it.. 😔

Played this because everyone on the game forum I used to post in praised it to hell and back for being a hidden gem. I found it to be mostly alright.
It looks nice, the timed attacks mechanic is cool and the plot is solid, but it doesn't really do anything outstanding.
Maybe for hardcore jrpg fans this might be pretty good comfort food (not every game has to reinvent the wheel), but for someone like me who isn't all that much into rpgs in general this is pretty much the poster child for "generic PS1 rpg" to me.

I fell in love with this game ever since I played the demo from one of those PS magazine discs.
I was 10 and it was the first game I bought for myself and I remember at the blockbuster store the clerk warning me (and my mom) that the game had a lot of written English and I looked too young to know the language. That was true but turns out this became the biggest reason why I got really good at English at a young age, which ultimately had an enormous impact on my future.
It was also my first RPG and I got absolutely sucked into its world even though I initially struggled to understand it.
After multiple playthroughs and hundreds of hours of playtime over the 4 discs, as a child and later on the PC with an emulator, this is one of my favorite games of all time, even though I recognize its fair share of flaws.

I miss Dart, Shana, and Lavitz, and would totally play a remake.

The classic example given when the topic of underrated RPGs comes up. In fact it's been mentioned so much that it might be starting to become OVERrated. The timed attacks are the subject of great praise, but it had been around since Mario RPG and would be present in a ton of future RPGs. The story is fine, but isn't really anything to write home about. All-in-all a solid, but not incredible game.