Reviews from

in the past

"Desejos devem se realizar por eles mesmos"

I think we all know I love this game stan Sirius gibson

This game has been stuck inside my head for nearly 3 years

I tried 3 times and failed all 3 times because the game is incredibly boring

This game is actually really good pls play it

I still have to finish Ashe's route but I'm still very hooked! The author puts a lot of love and care into this game, and it's amazing. I highly recommend to anyone who wants a very funny/lovable cast!

Magnifico jogo
sou literalmente a claire
sirius best character
"Você tem um desejo pelo qual estaria disposto a matar?"

love the art style, it's very expressive. the characters are all so good. the plot itself was amazing, dedicating time to each character's backstory and development. interesting themes of moral dilemmas, most of the characters aren't just in black and white

Would not mind dying for this game and its characters

To jogando, to achando massa

just like umineko (witches in it)

Now that I've finished all that is currently available, I can confidently say that this is nothing less than a masterpiece and one of the best games I've ever played, no I'm not exaggerating.
The foreshadowing present from the start, the characters, the plot, the backstories, almost everything is perfect here.
This game broke me in a way that nothing else ever did and I completely love it
I really don't know how they will keep up the quality of the writing for 3 more routes but honestly, I can't wait for it.

unbelievably good, definition of a hidden gem. just go play it!!!!!! im not telling you more