Reviews from

in the past

~ Objetivo: X-Men '97 (2023) ~
Videojuegos – Parte 05

Necesitaba este juego como agua de mayo. El cambio en tan poco tiempo es apabullante. El arte mejora considerablemente y jugablemente, es el primer juego de esta lista que he disfrutado jugar. Y lo volvería a hacer, ¿por qué no? Es una lástima que, siguiendo la línea de sus contemporáneos, tenga la necesidad de matarte una y otra vez para sacarte los cuartos en el arcade. Con eso cubierto y alguna cinemática diferente para cada personaje (para fomentar la rejugabilidad) y tendrías un gran juego incluso según los estándares actuales.

Excellent port of the arcade original.

Gets by mostly on nostalgia, but it's not bad by any means. It wouldn't be as fondly remembered as it is if the art and animation weren't so great, there weren't tons of fun characters, and you couldn't field basically the whole X-team all at once with your friends. The combat is dull and the enemy variety isn't great, but eh. That's not really why I play these.

Hell of a good time. My first encounter with this was in a hotel in the Florida keys sometime in the mid 00's. More recently, I was reacquainted with it at the arcade in the House of Blues' Showboat in Atlantic City. It still holds up, and its easily one of the finest arcade games I've played.

The best X-men game based solely on Pryde of the X-men