Reviews from

in the past

Made bro jump on the trampoline every night

história é meio qualquer coisa, mas era engraçado ficar batendo no boneco e jogando de um lado pro outro pra ver as reações dele kkkk.

adorable little ninja guy who sends maybe a few too many push notifications but you can't help but smile every time you see his partially obscured face

also want to know how the hell they not only managed to bag GTA IV's physics engine but also optimized it well enough to run on my iPad 2

2.5☆ - This game was super funny and goofy, not very memorable though.

I had alot of fun playing this, it was one of the first iPhone games I ever played, I used to play it alot on my dad’s iPhone before getting my own. Miss this little ninja very much

this game made me very happy when i was a little retard

woo, i played this game every day when i was little, great memories, we love bullying cute smool ninja

Highest I ever got was like…white belt? I think? It’s fun, charming, and very addicting sometimes

Happiest time of my life sitting at the kitchen table playing this while my mom cooks dinner

holy damn i love clumsy ninja i love the clumsy ninja chicken

oh yeah mama mia this is a game

There were so many bad mobile tamagotchi games but Clumbsy Ninja always stood out as the most polished. Lots of different toys to mess with and animations to see. Squirrel riding the chicken, Clumbsy being sad after not getting a high five, running away from the popped balloons. There was even a kind of story. Theres enough to do with Clumbsy that it's fun to just play with him for a while though also having intensive to check in on him every day. Clumbsy is also oh so cute. This honestly might be the best possible tamagotchi game.